~ Silver port! ~

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a quick map to show the world they're in, {made in inkarnate]

anyways,~Chapter 2~after a few hours, the rain came to a stop, leaving acid drops gently trickling off of leaves and grass

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~Chapter 2~

after a few hours, the rain came to a stop, leaving acid drops gently trickling off of leaves and grass. it was still a bit gloomy outside, but, cozy, I look over at Borealis, who was sleeping on their side with their back up against the wall, and their hands laying loosely. I stand up and stretch my arms, before walking over to them and gently shaking them, "Hey, Borealis," I whisper, 

They turn, before squinting their one eye. "Mhmm?" they hum, looking up at me, "The rain stopped, what do we do now?" I ask, gesturing my hands to the entrance of the cave, they sit up, rubbing their one eye. "Well, I guess we try to get you home then, where are you from?" they asked, their tone slightly husky from being asleep for a few hours,

I put a hand to my chin, "I don't remember.." I say, trying to think. "Ah, classic memory loss," they say. I look at them with one eye brow raised. "Is that like, another thing that's somehow normal here?" I ask,  crossing my arms, "Well- no, it's not normal, buuuut, I read a lot of books with main characters who have memory loss!" They say,  almost cheerfully, 

"Hey! You could be the main character of this story!" They exclaim, getting up and stretching their none existent arms, "Doubt it," I shrug. they look down at me, "How come? i'm sure you'd make a great main character, and there are hundreds of stories starting and ending everyday all over the world! all unique! with different characters and i'm sure  Y-" I put one finger over their mouth, rolling my eye,

"Shut up, I don't need a motivational speech. what I need is to get home, where ever that may be." I say, they stand still for a moment, before, slowly grabbing my arm and moving it away from their face "Ookay buddy! coulda just asked, not really a huge fan of being touched so uh. let's not do that again. cool?"

They smile at me, waiting for my reply i'd assume, "Sssurrre.. you're a strange one. but, okay. can we go now?" I ask impatiently, gesturing outside. they nod to me. "I know someone in silver port who might be able to help," they duck under the cave entrance, "The grass is still wet. my feet are plenty used to it if you want me to carry you," they offer, holding their hand out to me from outside the cave.

I shrug. "i'm sure I can walk, how far could it be?" I ask, peaking my head out the cave entrance to look up at Borealis. "It's passed that river. keep going straight for 2 miles or so and you're there!" They point to a river. which is nowhere near us. my jaw drops, and they look at me with slight concern. "You okay. Kiwi?" they ask, ducking down to get a better look at me,

"Ye-yeah i'm fine, I just didn't expect it to be so.. far.." I say, shaking off my shock, and putting my hand over my eye to get a better view of the river. "They call it monster lake, because of rumors of a monster living there! But, it's not even a lake, so. it SHOULD be called 'monster river' but," They shrug, 

"Guess it doesn't actually matter, anyways. if you're sure you can walk yourself, then let's get goi-" I cut them off once more. "Shut up," I say, grabbing onto their hand, and pulling myself up, and hanging onto their head, my legs hanging behind them, they make various groans of irritation, "hey- hey hey hey- what did I say about-" they wipe some of their.. melting self away from their eye. before just sighing, and started walking,

"you could have just asked me to pick you up, " they say. I look down at them, to see them seemingly zoning out. while fiddling with their fingers. "Well you're gonna have to get to deal with it for as long as you're willing to travel with meeee" I say, they look up at me, before shrugging it off. "It's whatever I guess. i'm always happy to help." they smiled again.

I cross my arms over their head. "You're kind of a pushover." I say with an almost teasing tone. "Yeah, I've been told that multiple times," They say, as they continue to walk, ".... areeee you gonna do anything about that?" I ask, in a more genuine tone this time, "Naw, i've never felt the need," "...yeeaahh.. we're gonna have to work on that,"

they chuckle, "Hah.. sure." They say as though it were just some joke, I scratch my chin, before just letting them walk in silence.. though after a while they realized how quiet it was and attempted to strike up a conversation.. "So like.. what's your favorite color"-

~1, hours, later (SpongeBob narrator intensifies)~

"Alright, the grass is pretty much dry, you good to walk on your own?" they ask, tilting their head slightly to look up at me, "Yeah I guess so," I hop off their head, an land on the ground with an awkward thud, almost falling over, but catching myself last minute, "RIght, so where are we going again? and who are we trying to see?" I ask, scratching my chin,

"We're going to Silver port! a market! And we're going to find a friend of mine! her name is Sol! She's a brute, like me! but she's WAAAY taller than me! She's a blacksmith!" They explain, putting one hand above their head as they explained how tall this "Sol" Is, "Taller than you? damn, just how tall can you "brute"s get?" I cross my arms, looking up at them, "Oh, at the most, i've seen one like, 9'8"," they wave their hand in a circle.

"And, to be sure, there ARE normal objects here, right? yanno, ones that don't get monstrously tall?"  I ask, tapping my foot. "Oh, Yeah! Most of them are in Silver port! Or around Silver port's villages! Most brutes live in Brute fields, where we are now! You've probably seen some running About," I look around, I have seen some objects, but I wasn't paying attention to what they look like,

"Mhm,," I hum to myself, "And, if you HAD to say,, what do you think populates Wistaria the most? normal objectsss, or brutesss?" I ask once more, they think for a moment, before speaking up. "I'd say it's mostly taken up by normal objects," they thought for a moment once again. before nodding, "Yeah, normal objects, but other animals live here too, there are WAAAYYY more animals than there are objects! so you wanna be careful," They said, waving a finger as they spoke,

"What kind of animals?" I Ask, tilting my head, "oh the normal, rodents, like rats, bunnies, squirrels, felines, like house cats, jaguars. and I think where we are we have mountain lions, canines like dogs, wolves, coyotes, fish, we have an over abundance of catfish in our river, reptiles, like snakes, lizards, Dragons, aviaries, like owls, bluejays, sparrows, and almost every other kind of bird, whatever the heck Griffins are classified as,,"

I pause before grabbing their hand so they don't wander right into the river, "You're gonna talk yourself to death if you aren't careful, now how do we pass this LARGE ASS RIVER?" i gesture dramatically to the river, they tap their chin, "Usually Sol meets me here so she can use her magic, it's way stronger than mine, but since we didn't plan anything i'm not actually sure,, oh wait- I think I see her-" they draw in a deep breath, before yelling as loud as they could,

"SOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLL!!!!" they yelled, I cover my ears as they did, taking one step back, though their yelling did get the attention of a few people who were out this far, one of them, a tall, brightly colored sun lamp, perked up upon hearing this, and walked over. "Borey? he-he-hey! how's it hangin'? I see you've got someone new with yah!" This, who I assumed was Sol, snapped her fingers and me and Borealis ended up on the other side in an instant, I gasp, surprised, looking over at where we once were,

"Hello Sol! it's nice to see you again! This is Kiwi! she's new to Wistaria!" Borealis proudly introduced me, I wave with a friendly smile. "Well it's nice to meet yah, Kiwi!" she held her hand out, I leaned forward to shake it, "It's nice to meet you too, Sol!" I back up, before Borealis starts talking again, "Basically, we need your help with something!" They say, raising one finger, "Oh yeah? what'dya need?" Sol asks, tilting her head, "we need your help finding Kiwi's home! She says she doesn't remember where it is, or who she was!" Borealis informed, Sol raised one eyebrow. "And,, you said she was new to Wisteria? you've never seen er'? ever?" Sol says, putting her hands on her hips, "Yup!" Borealis nods, "Can you help us?"

"Well,, I can't, but try talkin' to Scroll about it! I'm sure it can help, It know aaalllll about this kind of stuff," Sol suggested, "Really?.. Scroll? Well, if you say so,," Borealis nods, "Come on, Kiwi! We're going to Scroll's house!" they grabbed my arm, pulling me along, "WoAh- slow down big guy!-" I yelp as they continued dragging me, sooner or later we made it to this village, market, looking place, "This, is Silver Port!"  they said, "Scroll should be easy to find, It's stand is littered with parchment and swords and signs, should be out right now too!" they stated, looking around,

I pointed to one stand, that had someone rummaging behind it, just like their description, it was indeed in a giant mess of all of this,, quest giver NPC stuff, like staffs and crystals and swords, and LOTS of paper, "Oh! Thanks little buddy! Alright let's go talk to it!" They say, walking me towards the stand,

a, mostly normal looking scroll pops it's head up from behind the stand, a lot of it's paper had been torn and it wore big glasses, "Oh, well hello you two!" The scroll greeted, "Salutations Scroll!" Borealis started, "This is Kiwi! She's new to Wisteria, and can't remember where she's from, do you think you can help?" They ask, pointing to me,  I simply stood and waved, "Hm, new to Wisteria, memory loss,,, Mhm! I can help!" it pointed one finger up, placing a few papers on the stand,

"Here's what I need you to do.."

A/N: CHAPTER 2 IS OUT BABYYYY This was a fun one to write because I got to introduce some characters who I have silly designs planned out for!

1214 words

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