~I wanna go home!~

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-By time the Anchor guy had slinked back into the water. Me and Borealis had continued walking, I looked around once more, simply observing the environment, since I didn't get too much last time we were here, of course. Like borealis had said, there were a few objects running around,
We continued walking for a while before curiosity struck me, and I turned to Borealis, "Hey.. you like, you're the only. 'Cold' object I've seen running around, why?"I asked, walking backwards and looking at them, "Oh. uh, it's hard to explain! Well, not really. I'm not frommmm here." they waved one hand in a circle. "I'm actually from Suwannee! It's much colder there! Since it's higher up!" they explained, "Suwannee...?" I asked, they huffed and turned slightly. "The mountain?" .."Ohh.. yeah, got it," they turned back before abruptly stopping, "Stop!" they called. i stopped walking backwards, confused, i turned around, before jumping back, "what in Onyx's name..!?" I stumbled back, trying to shake off my shock. Borealis, simply looked confused, more than scared, "A... A Leocolo? All the way out in brute fields.. Alone?" theyadded, "Excuse me, what the hell, is a Leocolo?" Borealis shrugged, "It's what's standing right in front of us,," The creature ruffled its vibrant, neck, feather, things. Borealis took one step back. "They're pretty docile, and have been known to save some travelers from trouble, we might be able to catch a ride if. We do this right.." they thought, this, strangebeast, sorta almost looked like a lion, just slightly bigger, it had a dark tan, almost brown coat of fur, aside from the vibrant red and blue and black feathers on its neck, it looked around and its ears were pinned down, it looked pretty scared to be honest. "There's no way I'm attempting to mount that thing,," I shake my head, "Come on, it's practically already tame.."Borealis slowly reached their hand out "We just have to-" Borealis was cut off by it taking a sudden step forward, baring its teeth, rumbling a low growl and flaring the feathers on its neck, almost like like a peacock's tail would, I Jumped back as it did. Borealis just stood still, tilting their head, "Somethings not right.. They aren't supposed to be this aggressive."they looked at the creature, trying to see past its giant feather mane, without scaring it too much. "Ohh Whoopie ding doo my mind is blown, the giant lion monster got a little angry. Why are we surprised? We should be leaving before it tries to make one of us lunch,"I said, crossing my arms, eyeing the creature to make sure it wasn't getting any closer, Borealis simply stepped closer to it, "what- what are you doing?" i asked, they reached their hand out to it once more, it growled, again, no surprise there, but they didn't pull their hand back. "L-Literally what the hell are you doing- You're gonna get yourself killed!" they gently laid their hand on the side of its feather mane, gently laying it down, running their hands along the side of it, patting it like one would a dog, "It's okay. Fella!" The creature closely eyed them, still lowly growling from time to time. When they walked around to look at its other side, they gently gasped, "Oh my.. Well. it could be worse.. Right?" they walked closer to it, gently brushing its hind leg, "we gotta get this guy to someone.." they sighed, "why? What's wrong with it?" i curiously poked my head around the beast to look at them, "Poor guy got hit by a fool with a crossbow," they pointed to an arrow that was lodged in its hip, and one in its side, "Ouch.." i winced, "I'm not a big fan of animals, but, this is just sad," i tilt my head at it, its ears were pinned back as it stepped back to keep an eye on us, it hadn't stopped growling, but it didn't take action either, strange, "Well. there's nothing we can do for it, let's just go find this blossom guy," i pointed behind myself, as a 'Let's go'. But Borealis just stood there, looking at me with a pleading look, ".. how do you suppose we help it?" I tilt my head, unimpressed, "maybe if we.. we gotta call someone!" I roll my eye, "who do you suppose we call?"... they sat and thought for a second, before a light went off in their head. "Blossom! Maybe,, I'm sure.. If he can help with your lost..ness.. maybe he can help this Leocolo's injuries!" they beamed happily, "How are we gonna get it to follow us?" I asked, they snapped their fingers. "I know! We just need a little fish!".... "Fish?".. "Fish!"...... "Fi-"

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"UGHHHHHH" I groaned, "This is the third time. We'll be walking back to that STUPID river. Why do we even care about this leo..thingy? Animals get shot all the time, most of them just live with it! It's survival of the fittest!" I complained, crossing my arms with a huff, "How would you like it if you got shot and no one helped you?" Borealis leaned down, "Shut up." I mumbled, rolling my eye, When we got back to the river, I put a hand on my hip and looked over at them. "So, how do we plan on getting fish?" I huffed, "Uhm,,, you see- I didn't really- think of tha-" "Right. Not sure what I expected from you..." I Mumbled, tapping my foot "Why don't we ask that Anchor guy? He looks like he's lived here a while," "we've already bothered him once. I think it'd be rude to do so again.." Borealis said. Looking down into the river, splashing their hand in it.. "Look. ice cream guy. I just wanna go home, so basically what I'm trying to say is.. hurry the hell up before I drag you with me,"I said through gritted teeth. "But- the leoco-" "screw the damn animal! I WANNA GO HOME!".. "Okay..." Borealis sighed, turning and walking, so I followed behind them, and we kept walking, and walking, and walking. And- wait, They aren't making any attempt at conversation. They seemed sort of zoned out? "Uhm, Earth to Borealis," I snap my fingers, they flinch in response to their name being called. "Huh? What's up, Kiwi?" They turned to face me, wiping a bit of themself away from their eye, "I haven't known you long but I know you enough to know you not finding SOMETHING to talk about isn't normal for you." I crossed my arms after fixing my bowtie. "I just. Have nothing to say! What's happened, happened and, I- I have no comment, that's normal!" they uttered, rubbing the side of their head, "sure.. No comment," I rolled my eye "So where even ARE we going?" I questioned, staring ahead. "Well. It said we wouldn't be able to miss him, so I guess we just, keep walkin' till we see him!" they said, I stretched out my arms, before walking with my hands behind my head. "Oh! By the wa-" they got cut off, something knocking them in the back of their head, i barely had time to turn and see a flash of black and brown fur, and a small splash of a colorful coat, panic set in, before—

It all goes dark...

A/N:-this was a little rushed, and procrastinated as well, but here it is,

1268 words,

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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