Saving Beacon Beach (Part 2) and A Enemy becomes Ally?

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Bryan and his team entered the darkness puddle as they looked and Twinkle at the end of the stage as everyone looked forward.

(Battle 7 - Temple Rescue)

Beep-0: Listen, there are Sparks with powers called Super Effects. Super Effects can be applied to potentially anyone, generating unique behaviors. Different Enemies have weaknesses, keep that in mind.

Bryan: Got it Beep-0! Alesxy and Nona, you both take this battle.

Alexsy/Nona: You got it!!

Everyone else vanished as Alexsy had Pyrostar and Nona got Reflector as they looked at each other.

Alexsy: Ready Nona?

Nona: You bet! Let's take these Enemies down.

They nodded at each other as the battle begins.

(Heroes Turn)

Nona dashes into a stooge and takes him down with her 2 cyan power blades as it was defeated one stooge as her blades also hit the Scoper enemy as it took damage as it wasn't down yet.

Nona: Got one out!

Alexsy jumps off from Nona and grabs onto Beep-0 and glides towards the other side and drops down besides the scoper and dashed into him, while having Pyrostar power him up. Alexsy threw his sword as the Scoper was running around as he was on fire before getting defeated.

(Enemies Turn)

There was no Enemies on the battlefield they were on as showed the next ground of enemies on the side of a little island.

(Heroes Turn)

Nona pressed the button as more of the battlefield rises from the water as she jumped off of Alexsy and moved up a bit and looked forward and pulls out her Blades and threw them at the Stooge on the right as it disappeared.

Nona: Okay!

Alexsy jumps off from Nona and lands near full cover while firing his gun at 2 stooges as they were defeated.

Nona: Nice one Sweetie!

Alexsy: Thanks Nona!

(Enemies Turn)

On another part of the field the scoper Enemy moves fires his sniper at Nona's cover as she was safe.

(Heroes Turn)

Alexsy moves closer to not get hit as he launches his sword at the stooge on the left as he was defeated.

Alexsy: Sweet!

Nona couldn't do anything so she stayed put.

(Enemies Turn)

The Scoper on the right moves towards the over towards the full cover on the left as it fired his weapon at Alexsy.

Alexsy: Really?!

(Heroes Turn)

Alexsy moves towards the right and he gave Nona a boost jump position.

Alexsy: Let's do this!

Nona jumped off from Alexsy hand while grabbing onto Beep-0 and glides towards the other side to press the button as she got more ground movement.

Nona: Nice!

Nona gets into full cover and stay there. Alexsy moves towards the left and press the button as more ground emerges from the water as he smiled and hide.

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