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AN.:// Once again, I've been working very closely with the Transcripts of the Merlin-fandom- wiki.
Last chapter I said I had finally reached the last episode of season 2. I was a fool... XD Anyways... I'm trying very hard to make Arthur's behavior make sense, while also keeping everything close to canon.
I've received a couple comments if I couldn't have like... I don't know... Lancelot live for example. That would, unfortunately, defy the idea of canon compliant that I've made a rule of in this story. It makes this story difficult, and probably boring at times, but well... It's the premise.
Also, I love the idea that Arthur knew about Balinor but doesn't know how to bring it up with Merlin.


Arthur had been working against the Dragon's attack for days. People were annihilated left and right, people had to be evacuated and Arthur had to lead that evacuation. The fields just outside of the castle were burning and it felt like Camelot was going to face famine after all this was over.... That is, if Arthur would make it that far.
It reminded Arthur of Aithusa, of her white scales and her puppy dog behavior. This situation couldn't be more different. It reminded Arthur of the difference between dream and reality, as so many things did. Arthur knew that if he died, he'd die for good. And he'd JUST promised dream Merlin he'd be there for him. He'd seek out the Clockroom to not leave him alone forever.

Arthur couldn't sleep well. Because of the Dragon, because of the Clockroom and everything his mind was trying to wrap itself around. And so, he spent the nights walking over the battlements with Merlin in tow. Merlin the servant. Not Merlin the court sorcerer, not Merlin the Dragon Lord, not Arthur's husband or boyfriend or whatever dream Merlin called himself. This was just Merlin. The one who wasn't complicated, just clumsy and with a tendency to alcoholism.

"I'm sorry you're having to do this."

Arthur hated it when Merlin sounded like that. Like he had any influence on what was happening. It made Arthur think that maybe Merlin had let the Dragon out of it's cave. He didn't want to believe that. As much as they could use magic right now, or a Dragon Lord, Merlin wasn't that and Arthur had to separate them from each other. "Why? You're not to blame." 'Tell me you're not to blame!'

In that moment, the Dragon approached and Arthur knew without a doubt that if Merlin was as powerful as dream Merlin, he wouldn't hesitate to risk his own life to save everyone around them. Arthur had to believe in that Merlin. Otherwise he would find himself doomed.
"Flame up!" Arthur made a sign for his knights to aim their arrows at the Dragon.
"STAY STRONG!" Arthur yelled to motivate them. "For tonight isn't not your night to die, I will make sure of that! Hold firm! Hold!" Arthur raised a hand to wait for the perfect moment to shoot. "Hold," he said again. "NOW!" The knights shot. The Dragon remained unharmed and fire rained down on the lower town.


Arthur was down in the mainsquare, on his own this time. "Clear the square!" He ordered his knights around as he had before. What he didn't expect was to find Guinevere there. At the well.
Arthur's mind went into a blind panic. "Gwen?"
Cautious and scared, he searched the sky. His stomach flopped. The Dragon was coming. "GUINEVERE!"

Thank the gods she had heard him. She turned around, eyes widening as she saw it too. Like a woman possessed, she let her bucket fall and ran.

But Arthur knew she couldn't possibly defend herself. Without thinking, he ran after her. He knew he could die. Holy shit, he was certain he would. This Dragon would be his death and he knew that. Had known it since that first time he visited the Clockroom but it had never felt so real.
That was why Arthur felt the claws digging into his shoulder, he could feel his heart beating out of his chest. This was it. This would be his death. He fell over, toppled half over Gwen. But he was still breathing, still alive. He may die from this wound, but he had to get them out of here. So he grabbed her hand, surprised at the fact that he could still stand and ran for cover. From his peripheral he saw a blurry figure run into the square.
He couldn't see who it was, only that they had black hair. In a rare moment of clarity, Arthur knew that it must have been Merlin. Was he out there fighting the Dragon on his own? Was he an idiot? Or did he not want to be seen? Arthur bit his lip. It wouldn't matter if he died today.

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