A simple life

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AN.:// chapter 3 has been edited.

Arthur woke up to a clanging sound.
Before that, his mind had drifted in and out of sleep, lulling him in the comfort of unconsciousness. 
He remembered faintly that someone had tugged the blanket around him closer in his sleep. Had he fallen asleep during watch on a patrol?
No. Arthur sighed. He had dreamed of such an ominous world. Full of lights and people in strangely nice clothing and -
Arthur opened his eyes as he noticed a figure sneaking passed him.

"Merlin?", he asked. Because if sneaking passed him was his manservant's new approach of waking him, then they really needed to have a talk.

"You're awake.", Merlin's voice was strangely calm and soft. It was enough for Arthur to open his eyes. 
He sat up immediately. He turned around, eyes and mouth wide open as he realized that this dream he was having – was in fact – not a dream. Or he had been dreaming within a dream and was now back in the first dream?
Some people did have sleep paralyses and couldn't wake up from their dreams. Other's, Arthur knew, dreamed so vividly, it could be mistaken for reality. He found himself in a mix of both.

Arthur took a deep breath. There was the messy room. The shelves with the objects of years of time travel. Gifts. From Arthur to Merlin, he reminded himself. 
The tall windows which were darkened by something that was behind the glass. No curtains, but blinds. But Arthur didn't know how one would be able to reach them. Surely you wouldn't open the entire window for that? Those windows seemed too massive to be opened by one person alone.

In Arthur's time, they had wooden doors that opened to the outside. This thing looked different, but probably had the same purpose. Like anything else here, it looked way too clean and grey to be made of wood.
And then of course, there was Merlin who was currently fiddling with a glass full of what looked like oddly shaped Keys. Merlin who was slightly older than him and amused by his disorientated state.

"Of course I am awake, Merlin! Is it morning already?" It was an honest question, even if his tone didn't match it. Apparently, Merlin hadn't bothered to open the things behind the glass to shine light in the room.

"Yeah. It's almost seven. I have a bus to catch. If you want, you could come with me and we'll eat something at the coffee shop we were in yesterday. How does that sound?"
Arthur looked at him for a second, hoping his confusion wasn't too evident. It was seven? Seven what? What the hell was a bus? Was this Merlin's profession? Catching busses?

"Arthur, I don't have all day. Hurry up. If you don't take too long, you can still take a shower. I'll get you something to wear and then we can go.", Merlin rolled his eyes. 
Only now did Arthur realize that Merlin wasn't quite dressed himself yet. His hair was messy, and he wore some loose trousers that still managed to look softer than Arthur's best shirts.
But perhaps that's what counted as being dressed nowadays.
Arthur felt a little bit of relief, as he realized that this meant he no longer had to walk around in that underdressed state of his.

"What'a shower?", he finally asked. Merlin blinked, bridging his nose with his hand at the realization that Arthur was clueless.
"Oh, I'm definitely going to be late today.", he mumbled, shaking his head. "Come on, I'll show you.


It was embarrassing to realize how much he didn't know. About this world and it's strange buttons and knobs and everything, really. It looked like magic and it certainly felt like it. 
Despite that and despite everything Arthur was taught about magic, he just couldn't see the harm in the convenience of bathrooms. You could make it rain!!! Indoors!
Though he had feared Merlin would wait for him to actually undress in front of him, the manservant merely showed him the controls of the shower and the so called toilet and sink, and then left him alone in his wonder. If only to return seconds later with clothes in hand that Arthur didn't recognize and a towel. 
Arthur had been staring at the running water of the sink the entire time. He didn't have to use any strength for this.
Arthur really shouldn't feel so awkward to be seen naked. Especially not in front of Merlin. But here he was, awkward. And hesitant to undress.
Because THIS Merlin felt different about him than the Merlin that Arthur knew. Probably. This was a dream, so it was easier to be certain about such differences.

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