The fight

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*Bakugo's POV*

They both landed in front of a tall man with a mask. Jamina's pupils shrinked and she started trembling.

Jamina: All f-for one! W-why did you bring us here?

AFO: Well, well, well...if it isn't the two kids that caused so much, Katsuki Bakugo, have showed the heroes our hideout...and I won't be forgiving about that. And made my pupil WEAK!

Jamina: W-what are you talking about?

AFO: Aren't you the one that convinced Shigaraki to stop being so mad at heroes and to try and understand them? When was the last time the league attacked (talking to Bakugo)? They haven't done vilanish stuff for quite some time now...and YOU are the one responsible for this! And I'l make you pay!

With a quick move, he punched her hard in the shoulder, lifted her in the air and leting her go. She spat some blood and got up.

Jamina: I-I won't let you h-hurt anyone! And Shigaraki can do how he wishes, he isn't under YOUR control!

She launched at him, but he easily dogged. She tried cuting him, but he just caught the blade, broke it in half, and stabbed her in the wound from the wood. Jamina cried in pain but didn't stopped. AFO grabbed her by the arm and literally smashed her in the ground, creating a small hole. She jumped at him and tried to cut him again, but he just punched her in the ribs so hard, that I heard her bones break. Without a word, she fell, blood starting to leak from her nose and mouth.

AFO: Look at pathetic...just give up already!

Jamina: N-no! *wheeze* I w-wont! I'll keep fighting!

She jumped at him and managed to create a huge scar along his mask. He grabbed her by the neck and started choking her.

AFO: I really think you should rot in a cell, you pathetic excuse of an experiment! You are not worthy of this poewer!

He was ready to end her life, as Bakugo started to hear small bones craking in her neck, but then All Might appeared. AFO growled and threw her at the boy. Bakugo caught her. AFO and All Might started fighting, while he examined her wounds. It was clear that she had some broken ribs, but he wasn't sure about her neck. He looked up and saw his friends. Then he looked again at her.

Jamina*weak tone*: G-go...p-please...

Bakugo: *growls* Shut up, extra, you're coming with me.

He secured his hand around her wrist, careful not to touch her broken bones and exploded the ground, catching onto the rest.

Kirishima: What is she doing here?

Bakugo: She helped me!

Lida: Uhhhh, guys, I think we have a problem...

They had too much weight and were faling quite fast. Jamina opened her eyes and moved a bit. Then she turned around.

Jamina: B-bakugo...let me go...

Bakugo: WHAT?

Jamina: I-I can help...please...

Bakugo growled and let go of her, leting her clinge onto his hand. Then she did somenthing amazing. She threw herself in front of them and with a scream, she opened her wings. Then, she grabbed onto Bakugo's costume, and pulled him back along with the others, her wings cuting the air and stopping their fall. They all got down salely and didn't hurt themselves. But Jamina was not so lucky. The moment she let go of the heroes, she glided across the roof where they landed and with a crash, she collapsed on the floor. Her wings were retreated, and she struggled to get up. She looked back at the heroes.

Jamina: I-I have to make a call quick.

She touched her collar and started talking.

Jamina: Hey, Shigaraki...when you will hear this message, I will probably be already tied up, but I just want to make sure you don't come after me. It will take aproximatley 3 months to get out of prison, and with my form its quite please...just take a break...I'l find you all when I can get away from the heroes...don't contact me...I'll see you all...

She touched another button and stopped. She coughed a bit and fell to the ground. Bakugo caught her and picked her up. Her eyes started to fill with tears as she looked at him.

Jamina*whispering*: P-please...don't let them take me...

She coughed some more, and her body went limp. Bakugo picked her up and looked at the rest.

Kirishima: Woah! Is she ok?

Deku: She's the same from the mall...and she helped me defeat Muscular.

Bakugo: Well, she fust fought AFO...and protected me...what should I do with her?

Lida: I think we should give her to the heroes!

Bakugo: Didn'you heard? She expects to be tied up and thrown in prison! If we give her to the heroes, this will only make her loose all trust in us...

On the screen apeared All Might that won and said "now...its your turn". Bakugo looked at Jamina and sighed.

Bakugo: Im taking her home with me. My house is the closest. Il patch her wounds and ce back.

Holding her, he jumped off the roof.

Kirishima: So manly! Let's go, guys, I have to make sure Mina and the rest are ok.

They left for school.

AN: Enjoy! Dark out!

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