The talk

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*at Bakugo's house*

His parents were on a trip, so they were alone. He rushed in his room and placed her on the ground. He knew that he couldn't repair her broken bones, so he remembered the shadow. He lowered himself and said:

Bakugo: Akapuro? Akapro? AKAPRO!

The shadow emerged from her back and looked at him.

Akapro: Oh, it's you! What do you want?

Bakugo: Cure her now! She is hurt!

Akapro: Ah, yes, she has five broken ribs, three internal bleedings, multiple bones broken in her neck...and one of the broken ribs pierced her lung twice...don't worry, she had it worse than this. But if you really want me to cure'l have to pay me. With bloooooood!

He showed his fangs and Bakugo was about to give him his hand, wnen another hand geabed Akapro by the neck.

Jamina: Don't fall for his trap. He'l drain your blood until you die.


Jamina: Take my blood.

He sighed and disappeared. Jamina winced in pain and fell back.

Bakugo: What's wrong?

Jamina: It hurts when he puts my bones back...

She tried standing up, but she quickly fell. Bakugo caught her.

Bakugo: Don't push yourself.

Jamina: Why are you so nice to me? Im a villain...

Bakugo: Did you ever killed someone?

Jamina: No...

Bakugo: Did you ever hurt someone cuz you like to see em suffer?

Jsmina: No.

Bakugo: Did you ever steal something?

Jamina: Only becaouse I was threaten...

Bakugo: Then you aten't a vilain.

She smiled at him. A crunch could be heard, and she let out a scream, faling on her back clenching her arm around her ribs.

Bakugo: You ok?

Jamina: It h-hurts s-so much.

She winced again, and tears started faling from her eyes.

Jamina: Did you ever had broken bones?

Bakugo: Yes?

Jamina: It's the same thing, only the fact that you feel them moving and being put back togheather.

He gently took her hand and placed his other hand on her ribs, making it warm. She relaxed a bit until all of her bones were put back in place. After this, she moved a bit away from him.

Bakugo: Why are you staying away?

Jamina: Aren't you mad? I stayed there and looked at you how you were tied up to a chair? Don't you want to beat the crap out of me? Rip my flrsh apart? Or at least-

Bakugo: Why THE FUCK would I want to do that to you?

Jamina: That's usualy how people acted when I was an experiment...

Bakugo: Don't call yourself that!

She hugged her knees.

Jamina: Do you know how it feels to be one?

He didn't respond. Her eyes were on the ground, her mind wandering in other places.

Jamina: Do you know how it feels to have your flesh ripped off you? Your bones being broken and put back togheather again, and again, and again, until you pass out becaouse of the pain? And then thrown in a white cell and kept there...not being able to sleep or do anything becaouse of the pain? And then people in white coats drag you into another room and drain half of your blood and replace it with metal? And becaouse you are not used to this power, you loose control and knifes apear from under your skin?...and then being used to steal things and make your boss look cool only becaouse he has a world destroying weapon girl? You know I could destroy the world if I wanted to?

She turned to him. Her eyes became a dark blue and the objects in the room started floating. Bakugo could feel the tension and the power that came from her. She exhaled and the objects stoped floating. Her eyes became black again.

Jamina: I wont complain if you put me in prison...or hurt me...just don't make my friends pay...that's all. You can do as you wish with me.

Bakugo couldn't belive his ears.

Jamina: Funny how trauma works...some days it's there...and some days it's invisible...

She smiled and tears leaked from her eyes. Bakugo was left without words.

Bakugo: Listhen...if you need to talk-

Jamina: Don't worry, I don't need to. My friends already helped me...and I don't trust that the heroes won't use this information against me...but I trust YOU and I know you won't use it...

Bakugo: DON'T INTERUPT ME, DAMNIT! Listhen...I promise...I will make sure they don't hurt you...just give us a chance to show you what real heroes mean.

Jamina: But you are only one against an entire team of pro heroes...did you see what that woodman did to me?

He came closer to her.

Bakugo: I know, but you can do it. And you trust me, don't you?

She looked at him and forced a small smile.

Jamina: I already trusted you to know part of my yes...but if anyone tries to tie me up or put me in a room...I will leave...ok? I'll only stay with you.

Bakugo: Ok, happy to hear it.

He came closer and hugged her hard. She did the same and small tears started running down her face, staining his hero costume. He embraced her tighter.

Bakugo: I don't want you to get hurt.

Jamina: Im afraid that won't be possible...I don't have a quirk that can see in the future...

They laughed and got up.

Bakugo: You ready?

Jamina: Yes, come on.

She moved her hand and in front of her appeared a small portal. She grabbed his hand, and they entered the portal.

AN: Sorry guys, this one's a cliff hanger! Enjoy! Dark out!

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