The start of troubles (pt 3.)

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The next day, Bakugo woke up, finding Jamina on the floor. He first thought she was attacked, but then noticed that she was sleeping. Kurogiri entered the room and nearly tripped on her.

Kurogiri: Goodness! What in the world?

Jamina: Wha-Oh! A-apologies!

She sprinted up.

Kurogiri: Why did you slept on the floor?

Jamina: I think I fell...I remember that I dreamed about THAT place...

She looked down, shook her head and put on a happy fake smile. The rest entered the room and started questioning Bakugo, trying to make him come on their side. Jamina stayed away, knowing this would go bad. When Bakugo attacked Shigaraki, Jamina got up and approached them.


Jamina: Shigaraki! Somenthing 's wrong!

Shigaraki: What?

Tears started leaking from Jamina's eyes, her not being able to stop them. She felt the presence of something big.

Jamina: Somenthing big is coming! Somenthing bad! I'm sorry I couldn't protect you all!

Righr as she finished, the wall was blown away and All Might came in.

All Might: I AM HERE!

The heroes came through and a wood man tied them up. Seeing her friends tied up made Jamina angry. She broke the branches and stabbed her palm. The blood formed a long sword, and she slashed the other branches.

Jamina: You dare come in here and hurt my friends! I won't let you!

She started dodging the branches and cuting them more and more, until the heroes had to retreat a bit. At the same time, Bakugo noticed that she didn't hurt anyone, just protected them. The wood guy had enough. He used his fingers to create small spikes and fired them at the league. Jamina cut them all in half, but realized in horror that one of the bigger spikes was heading to Bakugo. Without thinking, she put herself in front of him and the spike pierced her shoulder. She winced and fell to her knees, plugging out the spike.

Wood guy: Well, looks like all that running tired you out.

She growled, but before she could say anything, a black substance came out of her mouth. She noticed that Bakugo had the same problem. She closed her eyes and was teleported somewhere else.

AN: See you! Enjoy! Dark out!

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