10-Fix You

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Kirstie POV

"Good News! He was legally dead for about 10 minutes but we were able to shock him back to live. His heart rate is just about normal but he should be perfectly fine in a matter of time. He was barely impacted by the jump at all." The doctor smiled. I knew he wasn't dead! Thank god!

"Can we go see him?"
"Go ahead." Mitch, Kevin, Kyra, and I went to Avi's room. He looked fine except for his sullen eyes and the tear lines going down his face.
"Hey guys." Avi whispered
"Avi..." Kevin started.
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Please never leave us again." I walked up and hugged him tightly. I others joined in and we were finally together again. Well minus Scott, plus Kyra.
"I've never been so scared in my entire life! I thought I was gonna lose you." Kyra said but Avi just sighed.

What are we supposed to do now? Obviously we can't be responsible for him because he'll just escape again. Maybe Kyra can help. Or we can send him somewhere, but he'd hate that.

"You're free to go Mr.Kaplan please be safe." The nurse said and we walked him out.

Avi wanted to die. He'd rather be dead than put up with us. It's not his fault at all. It's just hitting me now that he attempted suicide. What do we tell the fans? How do we know he won't try it again. Mitch put his arm around my back. I think he's thinking the same thing.


This shouldn't be happening. I want to die. Why can't they all understand that? Why did they have to bring me back? I can't handle being watched 24/7. Everything is all too much. I shouldn't have dragged Kyra into this but I couldn't call anyone else.

As soon as we got back home they wouldn't leave me alone. "I think you owe us an explanation, Avi." Kevin said.
I shook my head and tried to go upstairs. Kevin blocked my way up. "Please Kevin, I need to be alone." My voice shook through every word but he finally let me go. I ran to my room and started sobbing into my pillow. Four words echoed through my mind. I want to die....

Footsteps approached and they sat on the bed beside me. "Do you want to talk about it?" Kyra's voice was much stronger than mine.
"No." She rubbed my back.
"You know, I've been there too. When I was seventeen I attempted to overdose. I know how you feel Avi. But I felt so guilty when I woke up. My entire family was a wreck and it was because I didn't care enough to live anymore. But I was so wrong. They showed much how much I had to live for and I've never regret that one night more. What would have happened if you died, Avi? Pentatonix would've broken up because Kirstie and Mitch couldn't hear your name without crying. Kevin would never sing again because you wouldn't be there to support him. And Scott, it would hit him the hardest. He would blame
himself for being so mean to you. Your parents, your fans, they would sob and sob because there is no way you would come back. And I would scream because I could never have told you how lovely you are and how much I care about you." Harder tears streamed down my face as she lifted up my chin.

"Let me help you Avi. You're going to be okay." She pressed her lips to mine and it was warm and gentle. With tears still streaming down my face she held me close and for a second I believed her. Maybe I wasn't meant to die.

Scott POV

I couldn't find Avi or the others anywhere so at this point I am just giving up. I drove back to the house to find Mitch, Kirstie, and Kevin huddled on the couch. Kirstie was full blown sobbing and Kevin and Mitch were trying to calm her down. Kirstie looked up at me and started crying harder. What did I do?

"If Brinley is anywhere near this house, Scott, I swear to good I will kick your ass." Kevin warned.
"She's not, I left her." He simply nodded.
"Did you find Avi?" And right on que, Kirstie cries louder. How is that even possible?
"He's upstairs." Mitch sighed, "Be careful."

I started upstairs, they obviously didn't tell me something. I walked past his room to find Avi being hugged by a girl I've never seen before. Avi was facing towards me and his eyes widened when I passed. He thought I was going to hurt him...

Kyra POV

"Scott's back." Avi whispered.
"I won't let him hurt you, don't worry." I smiled and he sat up. "How do you feel?"
"Better but really guilty."
"All that matters is you're still here. Please don't try anything like that again."
"I'll do my best." How do you fix someone whose broken beyond repair? What if I'm not ready to save him next time? I tried to shake the thoughts from my head but I'm terrified.
"Come on. You owe the others an explanation." I grabbed his hand and dragged him off the bed. He had finally stopped crying but he looked so sad and vulnerable.

"Do we have to?"
"Yes. They deserve to know Avi." We walked down to find the other asleep on the couch.
"Maybe tomorrow?"

A/N: #teamkyra

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