Green Eyes

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He's here. And I feel like I can breathe again. Ares has always gotten me out of my dark spots. No matter how much Rowan or Papa tried they were never able to help me. They kind of just had to wait the episodes out. It wasn't like that with Ares. Whenever I saw him I felt lighter. And when he spoke to me it's almost like he spoke from the bottom of his heart.

He spoke like every word that left his lips were promises; Promises he always delivered on, whether he knew what he was doing in the moment or not. One time he comforted me during a panic attack. In that moment it felt like all of our surroundings just disappeared.

It was just me and him. All I could feel was him, all I could breathe was him.

Though, the situation we were in at the time wasn't exactly joyful. It's one of my favorite memories of him.

" Shortcake?" A smooth voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

My head snapped to the sound of my designated nickname that only came from one person. 

" Yes, Ares?" he stood in front of the couch where I sat. I still looked down though. He was way too tall to keep angling my head up. He didn't seem to care about future potential neck problems for me as he reached under my chin and made me look at him.

The grip was gentle but that didn't stop the simple motion from speeding up my heartbeat.

" Why are you sitting all alone at your party, hm?" He questioned

It seemed as if he was staring into my soul in the best way possible.

" Just not in a party mood I guess" I managed to get out without stammering. He slowly shook his head and sat down so close to me our thighs were touching.

" That's no way to feel on your birthday shortcake" Yeah well I don't like my birthday. I rolled my eyes and turned my head away from him.

" My birthday hasn't been a day I've looked forward to in years. The only reason I'm at this party now is because Rowan seems to think it'll make me happier."

" You're not happy? Do I need to have a day with you again Aurora?" I quickly shook my head. As much as I loved spending time with Ares, I did not want to have one of those days again. I simply refuse.

Ares called them Rora days. A day where he'd drag me to pretty much every cheery place in the city until I gave at least 3 genuine smiles. He usually forced me to spend those days with him when I was severely depressed. I always hated participating in them but they always cheered me up somehow.

But those days just lasted way too long and I'd rather spend them in my bed eating goldfish.

A gentle questioning hum snapped me out of thoughts.

" No Ares I do not need to have a Rora day." I rolled my eyes. 

He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me to him. " Rory, I know you don't enjoy your birthday anymore. And I know it's because of some pretty gruesome shit but have you even tried to have fun on your birthday since then? You can sit here and sulk all you want or you can get up and let go for a change. It's only for one night shortcake. Do it for me?" 

I didn't want to but whenever Ares asked me to do something (which wasn't a lot) I couldn't resist doing it.

" fine," I dragged out" But If I have to then you have to do it with me" he smiled and stood up.

He held out his hand for me. It felt as if the moment was moving in slow motion. I looked up at him for a couple seconds before I slowly grabbed his hand and stood up.

He put his hand on the small of my back and guided me to the dance floor. I feel like the whole world can hear my heartbeat.

" You're tense." His accent rolled off the two words thickly. I let out a forced chuckle as he spun me around to face him, both his hands on my hips. I let my hands slither to his neck. 

My neck hurt from tilting it to look up at him so much. I let my head fall on his chest as we slow danced." You really don't spare me the neck pain Ares." I giggled.

" Look at me Aurora." The demand was simple. So simple. Yet something in me wouldn't allow me to look at him. " Aurora,"

"Look at me." I closed my eyes and tried to imagine being somewhere else but honestly there isn't anywhere I'd rather be than right here with him.

Eventually he got tired of waiting and grabbed the back of neck and pulled my head back firmly but softly. I was forced to look into his dark grey eyes " Aurora you deserve to be happy. You've been through so much and you fucking survived. You've come so far and there is nothing holding back anymore." He said softly holding eye contact with me.

" There's nothing holding you back from being happy, so why aren't you? what's holding you back Aurora? Talk to me.

I knew exactly why I couldn't be happy but I couldn't say it out loud. Not to anyone. 

I know I can trust Ares though. Maybe I should tell him. After a couple seconds I finally mustered the strength to talk to him like he asked. 

"I-" I was cut off by a glimpse of blonde hair in my peripheral. What?

My head snapped up, looking for the bright blonde again. After my eyes danced around the room I finally locked eyes with the owner of the bright blonde hair.

"Shit" I quickly drew away from Ares as Lucas walked towards me with an infuriated look on his face. He pushed dancing people out of the way to reach me as I took deep breaths to prepare myself for the encounter I'm about to have.

Ares looked at me concerned" Rory what's wron-"

"Aurora." Lucas snapped. Ares's head snapped to the disrupting yell.

"Aurora I haven't heard from you all day and I see you dancing with another man?!"

" Lucas, I'm sorry I forgot to call you I've just been busy all day I didn't mean t-" 

" I don't give a shit Aurora. What did I tell you to do?" I sighed even heavier as Ares looked at me with a sharp gaze. 

I gulped " You told me to call you I'm sor-"

" And what didn't you do?" He said looking at me. I looked between Lucas and Ares completely embarrassed..

" Lucas can we just talk about this somewhere else." he cut me off with a yell that caught everyone's attention." What didn't you do ?!" 

" I didn't call you."

" Let's go Aurora." He grabbed my wrist harshly and pulled me towards the end of the dance floor.

Ares reached out and grabbed his wrist and threw it off of me before pulling me behind him." Who the fuck do you think you are touching her like that?" 

" I can do whatever the fuck I want with her she's my girlfriend." Ares looked surprised for a second before he pushed Lucas as he reached for me again. " I don't give a rats ass who she is to you. You don't touch or talk to a woman like that period."

" Aurora come here." I looked in between them and stood still.

Fuck that. 

I walked right past both of them and went outside.

I do not have the mental capacity for that. Not right now.

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