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She didn't wait to find out what would happen and she got dressed in the odd clothing to find out that it was a uniform. As she was fixing the skirt Laito and Ayato came into the room.

"So it seems you're awake little bitch." Laito said as he pulled her into him again

"Fuck off, and no that's not an invite. Anyways don't you boys know how to knock?" She said as she elbowed him in the stomach

She then got her shoes on before she was pinned to the wall by Ayato chest first. "C'mon girly don't be so uptight." He said softly in her ear as he held on to her wrists.

She glared at him as she clenched her teeth. "OFF.NOW." She growled at him

Ayato chuckled a little before he bit her neck groaning slightly as he did as his hold got tighter on her wrists.

"Your blood tastes so sweet, no wonder you want to keep it all to yourself." Ayato said softly to her

"Ayato can you control yourself. We have to get going." Reiji said seriously

Ayato let go of her hands and scoffed a bit. "Whatever." He said before he left

Rose sighed as she held her neck where Ayato bit. Reiji saw that she was in the school uniform and pushed his glasses up. "I'm glad that I don't need to tell you to dress yourself. You do know why you have to wear that correct?"

"Hm, Well my guess would be that this is a school uniform right? If I'm going to live here I minus well go to school with you all right?"

He went up to her and patted the top of her head. "Good you aren't a dumb, so I won't have to tell you to keep to yourself about us do I?"

She shook her head. "No you don't. I pretty much guessed that you all being vampires is a hush, hush thing."

He then left her room and she left behind him only to see Ayato and Laito smirking at her. She shivered in fear as she went past them. She didn't like the pain of Ayato's fangs in her neck, it hurt more than getting a shot. She saw that both males where chuckling and rushed to keep up with Reiji who only gave her a slight smile as they made their way down stairs.

Once they were all seated in the car she sat as far as she could away from Ayato and Laito and sat closer to Subaru and Reiji who both seemed not to care much for her which comforted her more than slightly. As she tried to keep calm she felt something on her lap. She saw that it was a small juice box that had cranberry juice in it. She saw that it was from Reiji and looked to him oddly.

"Why did you give this to me for?"

"It's so you aren't light headed in school, plus it keeps your blood count up. Don't think that I give a damn about you it's nothing to fuss over." Reiji said as he looked down to her

She nodded her head. "Right...Thank you Reiji."

"You know girly you are really different from the others we've come across." Ayato said with a smile

"I don't care, just keep to yourself or you won't live to see another day Ayato." She said narrowing her eyes

Ayato scoffed a bit "And what makes you think that I'd do that girly?"

"I'm not some ditzy brat who'd let anyone just bite me willingly. You caught me off guard this evening and if it wasn't for the fact that you had pinned my arms and made it so my face was to the wall I would have kneed you so hard you'd been crying on the floor like a baby." She said coldly

The others soon looked to her to see how dead serious she was.

"Looks like someone's going to need to put you in your place little bitch. As of now you aren't a person, you're just a walking blood bank for all of us." Laito said with a grin

"Sod off, I refuse to be part of some sadistic crap. You all just need to stay as far as possible from me."

"Rose I know that it might seem hard to grasp but Laito, for once is right." Reiji said as he placed a hand on the top of her head. "You are our prey whether you wish it or not. Just because you do not fear us now doesn't mean you won't later on."

She narrowed her eyes at the raven haired male. "Am I seriously going to be bullied by all of you...You all are assholes."

She then drank the juice after taking Reiji's hand off of her head. Once they were in school and Reiji found out what class she was going to be in he told her and gave her a warning. Being that she was only 16 she had the same class as Subaru. She didn't say anything to him many because she didn't want to have to worry about him biting her like Ayato did. Since it was just them in the class room she went towards the window to see what it looked like outside.

It's so pretty...I couldn't ever see the stars like this before. She thought as she leaned against the window.

"Don't get too damn trance Rose" She heard Subaru say from behind her

She jumped a little as she looked behind her to him to see that he was right behind her with his arms on either side of her. 

Emotionless Doll [Diabolik Lover love story]Where stories live. Discover now