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Anyone out there who plays Wizard101? I'm level 30!

I just realized that if the HoO characters played Wizard101, it would be awesome...

Frank could be Balance...

Leo could be Fire...

Jason could be Storm...

Hazel could be Death...

Also, Nico could be an overpowered death wizard too...

Percy could be Ice...

Annabeth could be... um... Balance, I guess? and she would always have the most crowns, along with Nico, because the other demigods will spend their crowns on stuff the first day they joined.

And Piper could be Life!

An Reyna would be that one overpowered player that always crushes you in PvP.

Aww, and then Reyna and Nico can do PvP together on teams and beat the crap out of all the other demigods!

Autocorrect keeps correcting Nico to Nick...

Note: what?! I only posted this this morning! It already has one more view! this may not seem like a lot, but I only joined yesterday. You rock!

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