Bakucamie Teacher quirkless AU

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Camie decided that her math, homeroom, and gym teacher, Mr. Bakugo was going to be her new target to obsess over. She was turning eighteen in two months and wanted Mr. Bakugo to be hers by her birthday. She had some not so innocent day dreams when she was in his classes, which resulted in her wanting him more and more.

Camie's POV

I woke up from the best dream I had had so far. "Mr. Bakugo is going to love me!" I got out of bed and picked up my outfit. I picked a high waisted pink pleated skirt with a tight white crop top and white knee-high socks paired with my pink converse. I grabbed a jacket and sweatpants to cover my not so safe outfit and went to school.

Before getting out of my car, I took my pants and jacket off. I smoothed down my skirt and pulled my hair out of its ponytail. I ran into Mina and Uraraka on my way inside. "You look hot! Who'd you dress up for? Is it a certain sensei that we have?" Mina wiggled her eyebrows. I tossed my hair over my shoulder and said nothing but smiled a little. Mr. Bakugo's classes were the first, second, and last ones I had in my senior year. I had a very high chance to make him notice me, and I was about to bomb my tests to make it go faster. "Miss Camie, stay after class, we need to discuss some things." he frowned, but I was extatic about spending more time with him.

Soon the bell rang and I stayed in my seat until everyone else left "Miss Camie, you've been falling behind in my classes" he sighed "I've talked to your other teachers and you've been excelling in all of theirs. I might just have to fail you and put you in remedial math. You just need to do better in gym class, I know a lot of students hate the exercise, but I can't let you pass by doing nothing. I might have to drop you from my gym class too." My smile disappeared. "Mr. Bakugo, you can't fail me! I just need you to tutor me, I didn't want the other kids to make fun of me if I asked for help" his gaze softened "I can find you a tutor, I don't have the time to tutor you myself or I would help you" my frown was evident on my face "I don't want somebody I don't know to help me. What if they tell everyone that I need help in math? I'd be mortified" I cried. I could see the inner turmoil going on in his head "fine but I have to give you detention next week for holding up my next class" I stared as he walked back to his desk. Along with his beautiful face, he also had a nice ass and I always wondered was was going on under that shirt of his "I'll write you a note for Mrs. Yaoyorozu, she's usually nice enough to let it slide for today" I sighed and took the note from his hands, making sure to touch his fingers while doing so.

I made sure to talk to or at least touch Mr. Bakugo throughout the week before detention. Finally, Monday came. "I can't come over Mina, I have detention," she whined. "Why not? You always come over on Mondays." I let out a breath "I have detention all week" she whined some more "wait isnt Mr. Bakugo, the teacher for detention? Did you get detention on purpose?" I frowned "no not on purpose. I asked for him to tutor me, but instead, I got detention with him. Speaking of, I'll be late if I dont leave now" I scurried to the detention hall and sat in the very front seat beside the teacher's desk. I pulled out my math book and notes pretending to do work "Camie you're in detention too?" I looked up and saw a greenette boywalk in with a greenette girl "Izuku and Tsu? What are you guys doing here?" Izuku smiled. "Kacchan usually takes me home from school. He's my uncle on my dad's side, and Tsu is coming home with us. C'mon Tsu, we can just set our sruff down and go to our club" I sighed in relief "can you tell him that Izu-kun and Tsu-kun need a ride today?" I nodded, and they left.

"Miss Camie, for the fifth time you have to solve for X and not Y, I taught you this not even five minutes ago," Mr. Bakugo was leaning over my shoulder, and I was mentally freaking out. He smelled of caramel and coffee, and I couldn't think straight. "Knock, knock, oh- am I interrupting a tutoring session?" We both looked up at the deep voice "aw babe, what're you doing here?" I saw a tall male with red and white hair in the doorway "I came to pick up Izu and Tsu for you. I also brought you a coffee and your favorite glazed croissants" Mr. Bakugo walked to the man. "You're the best, I love you. Izu and Tsu are in their club right now, so you can wait here until they come back" Mr. Bakugo took a sip of the drink and sat the food down on his desk "okay Miss Camie, you can go home now. Do you have a way home?" I internally pouted."My car is out beside the gym" he nodded and walked back to his desk "Sho, Izu and Tsu should be here any minute. I have to do some more grading so I'll meet you at home" he kissed the man and I left mad.

The rest of the week went by without the red and white-haired male randomly showing up. I sat in the same seat and waited longer for Mr. Bakugo "I'm sorry I'm late" I saw Mr. Bakugo in a tank top and grey sweatpants that should be illegal. "It's uh- it's okay. I've just been studying" he sat at his desk and took out some papers "you've improved a lot since Monday, I think you can get back to a regular schedule without detention or my tutoring" I groaned "Mr. Bakugo I have a question" I stood up from my desk and walked to his chair "and that is?" He raised an eyebrow "what can I do for extra credit? Anything special?" I straddled his lap "Miss Utsushimi, what do you think you're doing? This is very unprofessional and inappropriate for a teacher and student" I pouted and rubbed my hands over his chest "that's not fair! I want you to love me damnit!" I grabbed his face and kissed him forcefully. He suddenly stood up. "Miss Utsushimi, get out of my classroom now! Your behavior can and will get me in trouble. I can't lose my job as a teacher for some kid that I'll most likely never see when the school year ends" he opened the classroom door and basically pushed me out. I saw Izu-kun and Tsu-kun standing in the hallway, I turned away and ran crying to my car.

That birthday I spent getting drunk and crying in my bedroom. I refused to go to school and I refused to leave my room. Mr. Bakugo has called my parents almost everyday asking if I was coming back to school and that I would fail and held back a year. A month and a half later, I went back to school, a tired and alcoholic mess "Camie I heard that you got rejected by Mr. Bakugo. How's it feel to not get what you wanted?" A girl with pink hair and goggles tittered "what, does the whole school know now?" I took a drink from my "water bottle" she laughed "yes, the whole school has heard from at least one person. I heard from Tsu-kun, she said she saw it happen roght in front of her" she laughed again and skipped away. I felt humiliated all day and once did I saw Mr. Bakugo I heard whispers and giggles. A note was passed my way catching his attention "whoever threw that paper, your mom's a hoe" he walked to me and picked it up "hand it here "Camie your such a slut, you should be expelled for being a whore" hmm who threw this?" Everyone just looked at each other "okay well if nobody confesses ill have to give everyone cleaning duty and detention for two weeks" the class erupted into chaos until I saw a hand raise in the air "Mr. Monoma you did it? Is everyone sure it was him?" A collective yes rang through the room "Okay Mr. Monoma you'll have a week's detention and cleaning all of the boys bathrooms" he ripped the note and threw it away. I had mixed emotions about the whole exchange but settled on embarassment and sadness. I went home and asked to be homeschooled for the rest of the year.

YALL THOUGHT I'D MAKE BAKUGO A PEDO AND A CHEATER. Fuck no, I love Bakubabe too much to do that. Maybe if it was Todo or Izu maybe🤔 but still I'd be uncomfy doing it.

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