What Happens Now? Shigabaku

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What if the roles were switched? What if Deku bullied Bakugo instead? How would the LOV take the news when the blonde is found by them in a place least expected?

Bakugo's POV

I woke up to my alarm blaring through my phone speakers. "Another day alive? I guess the pills didn't work this time" I kicked the bottle of Asprin across the floor as I stood up. I felt weak and sick, but I got up anyway. Before I could walk to my closet, I heard a knock at my door. "Go away!" I yelled "aww that's no way to talk to your best friend Kacchan~" I froze at Izu-kun's voice "if you don't open up, you'll be punished~" he continued "j-just a minute" I kicked the pill bottle under my bed and opened the door. There stood my biggest bully Izuku Midoriya smiling down at me. "Good morning, Kacchan! Let's walk to school together" I looked down the hallway to see a few people lingering about "uh sure" I whispered about to shut my door. "Can I wait in your room? It'll be easier for me" I reluctantly let him pass into my room.

As soon as I shut the door, he pushed me against it and kneed me in the stomach "next time open the door as soon as I knock bitch!" He grabbed my hair and threw me in my closet "get dressed whore, or we'll be late" he sat on my bed laughing. I grabbed my uniform and went to my bathroom "where do you think you're going? Strip right here. Unless you have something to hide?" He teased, knowing full well why I didn't want to change in front of him. He clicked his tongue, and I instinctively turned around and took my shirt off. "So I'm guessing the pills I gave you either didn't work or you didn't take them." I looked away from him. I finished dressing and we went to class in silence.

"God, look at your body. You're so skinny, Kacchan." I flinched when he touched my waist in the locker room "You'd be pretty if you didn't whore yourself to the LOV. Yeah I see you sneak out every night to go somewhere" everyone was already gone to gym Gamma "I- I don't leave the dorms after cerfew Izu-kun. I swear!" I pulled my gym shirt on "then why do I hear you talk to a Himiko at night?" I didn't have an answer "checkmate bitch, you-" "Midoriya, Bakugo, are you guys okay? Mr. Aizawa sent me to get you" I heard Iida yell "yeah, Kacchan doesn't feel too good so I'm taking him to Recovery Girl" Izu-kun yelled back "okay I will inform him of Bakugo's condition" we heard the door open and shut again "well now we have to do something about Recovery Girl" Izu-kun grabbed my hair and slammed my face into the lockers "maybe if I break your nose it'll be believable" I tried to grab his hand off my head but he was stronger than I was "how many hits does it take to break Kacchans nose? 1~" one more hit "2~" again "3~" another time "4~" I was losing consciousness "5~" I felt my body go numb.

I woke up in the infirmary with Recovery Girl sitting beside me "Bakugo you have to fight back, I know what's going on and why it's always Midoriya bringing you here" I sat up and looked outside "I should get back to the dorms, they're probably worried about me" I moved to get up but my legs wouldn't budge "Bakugo you can't walk, Midoriya said you fell from a second story window so both of your legs are broken. Mr. Aizawa was informed of your state and you'll stay here overnight" I panicked "I can't stay here Izu-kun could find me again" I desperately tried to move "Bakufo it's useless, I'm calling an ambulance to take you to an actual hospital to see how much damage was acrually done" I could only sit there and cry. I was transported to a hospital an hour away without Izu-kun knowing "Mr. Bakugo, are you comfortable? Anything I can do for you?" I looked at the cheery blue skinned nurse in the doorway. "Um could I have a phone? I need to call someone" she nodded her head and left the room. After she left, I tried to move my legs again to no avail. Sighing, I leaned back into my pillows "here you go doll, do you need anything else?" I shook my head grabbing the outdated Nokia phone. She left the room and closed the door behind her. I hurriedly typed in the only number I memorized in moments like this "c'mon pick up, pick up" I let out a relieved sigh when the other end answered.

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