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Bakugo lived in a world of shifters. There were dog shifters, cat shifters, wolf shifters, dragon shifters, fairy shifters, etc. Everyone had a distinct feature of what shifters they were, from ears and a tail to wings, to horns on theirs head and even scales on their bodies. Katsuki thought the world unfair that he was born a cat shifter, one of the smallest and supposedly weakest shifters. What made it worse is that he was presented as an omega. The "lowest of the low"

Bakugo's POV

Fucking dumbass useless ears stood atop of my ash blonde hair. I reached up and snapped my fingers, I could hear out of them better than my human ears, how I would never know. I didn't get it. Why did I have to be the weakest and smallest shifter. I couldn't even hide the damned ears or tail I had no matter how much I tried. Even if I was successful, my eyes and whiskers would give my cat-like features away. When fucking Deku saw them for the first time when we were five he said cute, CUTE! I am not and never will be cute! Of course he had to be a fucking Serpent shifter, you couldn't tell unless he talked with that slur and forked tongue of his.

I slammed Class 1As door opened, and everyone stared at me "Kassshan!! We're in the sssssame classss!!" Deku picked me up. I unintentionally hissed at him "get the fuck off of me, I don't care how short I am you can't just pick me up like a child" he put me down and I slipped past him to my seat. I was a week behind because of my fucking heat so I took a minute to look around, I saw a lot of the girls were fairys but one of them, a pink girl had translucent scales running across her cheeks like freckles and another who was literally a frog with her tongue out. I saw one dragon shifter, a red-headed male who also had sharp teeth, a ravenette boy who had black bear ears, a yellow haired boy who had fox ears and tail.

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