You're a monster-V!BakugoxHero Deku

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What if Bakugo was never saved the day the sludge villain attacked him? What if he had died but Shigaraki saved him and the monster now inside of him? Would he be out for revenge?

Bakugo's POV

I sat in the base playing cards with Odei, the damned sludge villain who "killed" me. I was winning and he was spewing curses that I was somehow cheating at fucking go fish "Oi Odei shut up, you're too loud" he grunted "how many times do I have to tell you that you can't just rename me!" I glared at him "you're literally a part of me and don't remember your name so I had to name you something" I heard a laugh behind me "he's got you there slimy" Dabi reached out to touch him but he retreated into my body "oh would you look at that, he hates you" I deadpanned "and he took the fucking cards with him!" I threw the other cards in the air "boss wants you for another mission, something about being undercover" I groaned and walked into Tomura's "office" which was just a closet with a table and chairs in it.

I went in and sat down. "whaddya want hand man?" He glared through Father's hand. "Master wants you to infiltrate UA as a student. We have suspicions that All Might is going to be a teacher there-" "why should I care about your fetish with That overgrown bitch?" He sighed and took his father off his face "there's also news about your little childhood friend being there too and I know how much you miss him" he made an ugly pouty face. There it was my grudge "so what do you want me to do? I'm supposed to be dead, I ain't gonna be able to use my quirk since All Bitch and fucking Deku both know it" he smirked "use your gross parasite, there is also another student who has something similar so it won't be too suspicious" at the mention of him Odei came out "I get to actually participate in stuff now? What about you've been on the news and can't be recognized?" He was right "that was over two years ago nobody will remember it- get out of my office and pack your shit, they have dorms now since we kinda blew everything up last year" he laughed. I went to my room and packed what little things I did have and went to the bathroom to put my green contacts in and re-dye my mint green and purple hair. Toga called it splatter paint dye, Dabi thinks it looks stupid, but I think it's different in a good way.

 Toga called it splatter paint dye, Dabi thinks it looks stupid, but I think it's different in a good way

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Getting in the school was too fucking easy. They didn't recognize me as a villain mostly because I was more of a hand to hand combat assassin when I went on missions. I was being walked around the school and dorms like a regular new student "-and your uniform should be ready by tomorrow, you'll be in Class 2A with Mr. Aizawa" the woman I recognized as Ms. Midnight announced. We stood outside the doors of the classroom Deku was supposedly behind. I heard a lot of talking before I was allowed to walk in. I looked around and saw the familiar mop of green curls sitting close to the window. "Hi, my name is Tokumei Kakureru. I am seventeen years old, I moved here from Tokyo, and I look forward to making friends here" I forced a smile, and everyone threw questions at me. "Settle down everyone, you can question later. Kakureru you'll sit in front of Midoriya" he pointed to Deku.

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