Chapter Five

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Author's note: The point of view (POV) always shifted between the author's POV and Sakura's POV only, so don't get confused since I wanted to make the story flow naturally

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Author's note: The point of view (POV) always shifted between the author's POV and Sakura's POV only, so don't get confused since I wanted to make the story flow naturally.

As the truth about the river incident slowly emerged, I found myself grappling with a mix of emotions. Relief washed over me, knowing that Sasuke had been innocent of any wrongdoing. He had gone to great lengths to protect my privacy, even at the cost of his own dignity.

Despite Suigetsu's animated storytelling, I couldn't help but admire Sasuke's unwavering commitment to safeguarding my honor. My heart swelled with gratitude and a newfound respect for him.

However, the relentless teasing from our classmates continued, fueled by Suigetsu's revelations. It seemed like everyone had a comment, a joke, or a curious question about what had really happened by the river that night. It was as if they couldn't resist squeezing every drop of embarrassment from the situation.

But amidst the chaos, I noticed a subtle shift. Some students began to realize the truth about Sasuke's actions and started defending him, chastising the ones who continued to harass us. It was heartening to see that not everyone had succumbed to the mob mentality. Suigetsu's newfound popularity came with mixed feelings—admiration from some and annoyance from others who thought he had crossed a line.

Karin, on the other hand, remained oddly quiet during this revelation. Her jealousy had been palpable since the beginning, but now, as the truth came to light, she seemed to be plotting something new. Her silence was unsettling, and I couldn't help but wonder what she was up to.

Juugo, the quiet observer, didn't escape the shifting dynamics either. His decision to join in on blaming Sasuke during the campfire incident had made the situation stickier, but he soon realized his mistake and chose to make amends.

One day, Juugo approached Sasuke and me during one of the club activities, his expression apologetic. "I'm sorry for what I said during the campfire," he admitted. "I didn't know the whole story, and I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions."

Sasuke nodded, accepting the apology with his usual stoicism. I appreciated Juugo's sincerity, and it was clear that he genuinely regretted his actions.

As for Sasuke and me, our relationship remained complicated. The river incident had brought us closer in an unexpected way, but it had also introduced a new layer of awkwardness between us. I knew I needed to address it, but finding the right moment proved to be challenging.

A few days later, during one of our photography club sessions, that decisive moment finally arrived. The atmosphere in the room grew heavy, as if an unspoken truth hung in the air, waiting to be unveiled.

I could sense Sasuke's intense gaze fixed upon me, his expression an impenetrable mask, impossible to decipher. It was as though he held a universe of emotions behind those enigmatic eyes, leaving me eager to unravel the mysteries concealed within his gaze.

WHAT A GIRL WANTS (Modern AU SasuSaku )Where stories live. Discover now