My trip to trip to Dehra...!

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"I should sleep now, I have a train to catch tomorrow, Take Care! And STOP CRYING!" I said, "Yeah, sorry, bye, safe journey" she replied, I said "Yesss mam , Adios!' and hung up.


So let me give you a flashback, I am Ayesh and I am a lot! But in the context of the upper conversation, I played the role of a mental support/child support/psychiatrist for my friend who had a mental breakdown because of her bad taste and choice, I didn't tell you her name did I? Well "What's in a name?" but know this that I am up at 12 midnight because of her when I've gotta train to catch for my first solo trip to Dehra so yes she is important! But not more than my solo trip and if I miss my train , I am surely going to cruelly make her pay for it! charges extra!!! I really should sleep now !

XxxX!(Yawn)Okayyy, Good mornin' Jagjeet(My teddy bear!), What is the time now ?, I look at the alarm clock trying to focus with my blurry eyes and guess what, I already know my day is ruined without even looking at the horoscope! Because it's 4:40 am right now and my train leaves at 5 am sharp!A piece of every cursed cake started to blurt out of my mouth........Sh*t.......screw me........hell.......nooooo.Well now; let bygones be bygones what I do need now is a plan of action(Slurp..Slurp stomach!)And probably some food 😅.So considering the fact that the railway station is half an hour from my place and the meaning of "sharp" in India is always 10-15 minutes late! Still I am short on time to put on my clothes, shoes and perfume(definitely!) , I don't even have the time to brush and now the situation is such that if I start running now from my house in my bermudas and aesthetic body and reach the station panting like a dog, only then I will have a 0.1111∞ chances of getting on the train but.....this is only because I am a boyWould I have been a girl then definitely there would have been a "Rahul" to extend his hand and get me on train but here the "Rahul" is late then how in hell is "Simran" going to catch the train?Wait! I don't have any "Simran", what am I talking or even why I am talkingSTOP!..............breathe in...........breathe out............repeat!I need to get ready ASAP!


So now that I am as clear as Tom Cruise that "I am going to make it!" well in the bigger picture so one thing is clear that "I am not going to make it!" to the station my train leaves from, i.e., Howrah but I can make it to Shealdah station if I can hop on to an L238 bus , take a fast and furious ride to Howrah and then catch another local train to Shealdah then wait for my Dehra train! Yes! plan ever, this way if the train is late I will be able to catch it then and there! Well chances are low but still! I better rush now!


Okay all set! Luggage check! rucksack check! My dashing personality check! Oh wait I forgot to use the toilet, Ma always said to go to toilet before leaving home......A few moments later...(Sigh) Now time to lock the door and paint the town wait how could I forget to spray my perfume? No!............A few more moments later..............Finally all out.


After reaching Howrah, I was not at all surprised by the fact that my Dehra train had left.....So time to initiate plan B, "Train to!"Now that after smelling some random guys armpit and travelling in the local train for 45minutes exactly I've finally reached Shealdah, now you might be wondering that how do I know that my journey was of 45 minutes exactly so that is because I was so desperate to get out of that random guy's armpits smelling radius which by the way is not possible in Indian local trains because in Indian local trains you don't decide where you stand or even where your legs are because you definitely can't sit, I never could duh! Wait where was I ? Yeah; I was so desperate that I did not want to look at anything or anyone around me except my wrist watch on my left wrist which by the way is a gift from the person because of whom I am seeing these times! (Bloody Irony)


Now that I've reached Shealdah the main goal is to find my Dehra train which thanks to the Indian railways and the vastness of Shealdah station, is not an easy job at all! The second I spotted my Dehra train.....I felt relief like never before(Sigh) but another second was irritating as never before because the train...........the TRAIN! was on the move and I was on it's other side!; No sooner did I cross the bridge, the train had picked up a decent speed and I was running like a dog....maybe better than a dog, simultaneously thinking that if I miss the train today, the moral of the story would be*Never help the helpless!*Prioritize yourself before anything or anyone!*Be a typical Indian and reach the station 1 hour prior to the train's departure because Indian moms may be paranoid as hell but it's not often that they are wrong!

As I was beginning to loose hope(Like I had any XD )A hand, small in frame but a beautiful one maybe the most beautiful one out there, came out from the train. that a girl on the train door extending her hand?..history repeating itself?..for real? but this time the genders are swapped, maybe because Dr. Strange fiddled with the multiverse of madness! But thank GOD! Bollywood doesn't know about this otherwise they would've made a "remake" or "ruin it" and made money of that too, but how do I know if that hand is for me? And I clearly can't see backwards while running forward, not that much talent in me duh! But you know what; Who cares? becuase once a taurus♉ said, opportunities are for anyone out there to grab them...not some mutual funds with terms and conditions applied! Therefore, With all I had left in me, my desperation, my solo trip's dream and most importantly the desire to hold that hand, I placed my luggage on my head and ran like a Coolie from above and Usain Bolt from below! , When I was close enough I threw the luggage in grabbed that hand; Finally "Enter the the Train..the Train!" (Sigh's)^3.


The first 15 second's I was panting like a dog(okay! better than a dog!), for the following 5 seconds I sighed(again) and then.....breathe in.......breathe out.......repeat!After a whole 1 minute I spoke a breathy "Thank you" to the lady who had been smiling THROUGHOUT the minute!"You were this close from missing your train" she said showing her pinched fingers.I said " Oh.. well I think I was this close from not missing my train" extending my hand. (implying her arm)"What is your name?" asked she."Why do you wanna know?" said I."Why do you not want me to know? Are you a terrorist?" asked she, the last line in a playful whisper."I can tell you if you answer my question" said I."And what's that?" asked she."Truth is pointless without a lie, If I am the truth will you be my lie?" I said in my casual smile.........followed by a wise evil grin(Ayesh being Ayesh!)She did not answer this because she couldn't because she was laughing like her oxygen was replaced with N₂O."Ayesh" said I."Hello Ayesh , I am Simran" she told.Simran?.......Wait WHAT!!!!THE END

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