(2) The Lovely Neigbor.

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It's nice having a little walk here at "Home".

It's nice and sunny, Yet not that sunny to get you burned or sweating buckets. As we've been walking, Wally and I have been talking and getting along real good. At this pace it wont be too hard to do what he says if we're great friends. I already know so much about him, Because he's quite talkative. i like that about him.

His favorite activity here is painting. He even wishes to paint me one day. His favorite fruit are apples, And he has a thing for physical touch. I've noticed that, because he tends to grab my hands alot, Or hang on my shoulder when he sees butterfly's or other cute animals.

"Ooh- And this is the post office! This is where Eddie Dear usually hangs out.. Ah- And over there's Howdy's Place..! The prices are just the most-!" Wally continues pointing out at colourful buildings.

"Heh.. This really is the town people would dream about, huh?" I can't help but smile at the happy little fellow, I dont get why i should be watching him, He seems so happy and innocent..

"I suppose.. I do have to ask something- Why is your house grey..? It stands out that it's the only depressing thing here at Home..-" Wally stops walking, and faces me.

"I dunno.. I suppose a little paint job woulden't hurt-"

"Right! What if i help you paint your house? I've got just the perfect colour scheme that fits wonderfully with your look! Come- Come!" Wally starts jumping up and down, Taking my hand and pulling me along.

"Woah-! Wait- Wallyyyy!"


Once arriving at the store, And Wally letting go of my hand (finally), We're upon greeted by Howdy, The shopkeeper.

"Hey Wally! Nice seein' you around!" Howdy comes out from behind a cashier, Holding a heavy box.

"Helloo neighbor! Hey, Do you perhaps sell any paint? Me and the new neighbor are gonna paint their house!" Wally points his finger in my direction.

"New neighbor? And you dare not introduce me?" Howdy chuckles, Places the box down and walks over to us.

"The name's Howdy. Pleasure to meet ya." Howdy holds out one of his many hands.

As i reach out to shake one of his hands with a smile, Wally seemed to pull me back.

"Howdy. Paint." Wally gives a serious look.

Jeez.. way to be protective.. We've known eachother for barely a few hours, But it's like our connection has lasted for years now.

"Right- Aisle 5.." Howdy smiled awkwardly as he watched Wally drag me along again.

"What was that about-..?" I free myself once we've reached Aisle 5, My eyebrows furrowing at Wally.

"I suppose i'm just.. Excited, Thats all..!" He turns around with the biggest, yet fakest smile ever. It's so fake, it almost looks scary..

I reach out to him, Placing my hand on his cheek.

"Wally, We really dont have to rush.. There's plenty of enough time.." I give a soft smile, Which stunned Wally. 

He went silent, And his face lit up slightly.

"Er.. Yeah.. Right..." He looked away out of emberassment, And i found myself chuckling at him.

"Aaalright, Now what did you say my scheme was?" I walk ahead of him.

"Oh- Mainly yellow! It really fits your eyes.. Aaand then maybe a hint of pink- Or light blue! Both could work.. How about purple?" 

"Purple is nice..!" I run my fingers along a few paint cans, Collecting dust.

"Nnnggg-.." I hear Wally struggle behind me, And turn around to find him half-hanging from a shelf, Trying to reach a can of paint.

I giggle at him, Walking over and taking the can for him.

"Ehh-.. Thanks..." He smiles at me, And then continues walking.


Whilest arriving back at my house, I've noticed how nice it actually is here. The people are at peace and happy, and the inviroment is good.

If only ##### Was like this, it would be alot better...

Right with the last step i made towards Home, I tripped, the paint bucket slipping out of my hands and spilling all over Home. I was coverred in purple paint, even having some in my mouth, A big purple stain on Home.

"Uh- Hehaha-!" I couldent help but laugh a little, wiping some paint from my mouth.

Wally also seemed to laugh, yet his laugh sounded off. As if he forced it, or didn't know how to laugh. It sounded robotic.

And with that, we got to painting.
Made by: M4RZ
Words: 762

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