Chapter 2

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And there is she, who has a big grin on her face "I really mean it Kia! Want a break? A long break?" I stopped chewing though there was still food in my mouth and looked at her with a blank expression.

"Umm how about six months?" she smirked. That's it I choked hard. Food got stuck in my throat, I continuously started coughing. Seeing my condition, I can feel Naina's facepalm!

One maid came while running to me with a glass of water.I gulped down the whole glass in one go and without wasting any second I looked at her "Naina if it was a joke then it was not funny at all!" I glared at her.

"I- No Kia I am not joking! I am serious!" I furrowed. "Look Kia, since you debuted you never took any breaks and I also think that you really need a break for yourself!".

"Okay suppose we are taking break but what we are going to say to my uncle and what about ❝MK's❞ (my fandom name)!" I blurred out.

"We will give a notice from the company! In that notice we will say you need some personal time also the important thing we will say that you are working on your next album and about some urgent shoots we can do it weekly or monthly! Plus your uncle also will understand this!" she finished.

The uncle she is talking about is my only family in this world. My momma's younger brother!
When I was 11, my momma and dada planned a HongKong Disneyland tour for me as soon my 12th birthday was coming.

That time I was very excited for this trip but who knows this trip would change my whole life! While going HongKong our aeroplane crashed! In that crash I lost my mom and dad forever.

But still I don't know how I got saved from that crash. Though I got injured very badly and was admitted to hospital for days. Since then my uncle has taken my responsibility.

Uncle always loves me like I am his daughter! After my mom and dad passed away I was depressed so badly but he took very good care of me!

My uncle owns a music entertainment company. He knows that I have a charming voice and also he knows that music gives me peace. For him I joined this music world. When I was 14, I released my first song and that's how I became The Famous Superstar Kia Marshall!

My thought was interrupted by Naina "Oh Kia my superstar don't think much! And I'll talk with your uncle about matter!"....


I came home after finishing my brand shoot! My back is hurting as always! I just want some place! Without any delay I made my way to my bed but my phone rang!

"Yes Naina!" I picked it up. "Kia kia my superstar congratulations!". I was confused after hearing her as it seems she is so excited to tell something.

"So Kia officially from tomorrow your 6 months long break is going to start!". "WHAT???" For real I am so shocked. I can't believe she really said that! "Yes my superstar! I talked with your uncle and he easily agrees and about that notice we will publish it tomorrow!".

" Oh my god! Really Naina!" I shouted while being so happy. She laughed "Yes now enjoy and let me enjoy too!" she said, which made us both laugh.

I cut the call and jumped on the bed while hugging my pillow tightly with a bright smile on my face. Seriously right now I want to hug someone so bad as I am feeling so happy. While continuously smiling I went to my dreamland....

Next morning

While trying to open my eyes, I started looking for my phone. Turning on the screen I freaked out after seeing the time! "Oh shit! It's 11 am! I have to go to the shoot!" while shouting I got up from my bed!

Suddenly realisation hit me, which made me chuckle and face palmed at the time. I literally forgot about my break.

Happily I went to my hallway and found no maids there, I again smiled brightly. Naina must have told them not to come. She is the best!

While dancing like a little kid, I went to the kitchen to eat my breakfast. But of course today I am not going to eat my daily breakfast.
I am craving for chicken cream cheese sandwich. For real it tastes too yummy but the main problem is I don't know how to cook. So I took my ipad to search for the recipe.

1 hour passed and yes I failed twice! First time I burned the chicken and the second time I put extra salt. And now this is the 3rd time I made it. I nervously took one bite and oh my god! Finally it tastes like a chicken cream cheese sandwich.

While cooking I also read the comments from my fans under the taking break post. Which made me more happy as all of them are so supportive. The way they said they will wait for me! Aww I love my MK's so much!

Serving them on the plate, I made my way to the coffee machine as after a long time I am going to drink an iced latte. "Mmh the smell of milk! Ahh I missed it!"

I went to the living room with my breakfast. It's been ages since I've eaten breakfast here. I sat down on the couch and turned on my large tv with my left hand as on the right hand there is my phone.

I am searching my watching list. I have added so many movies and series on my watching list but unfortunately I never got enough time to watch!


It's almost evening and I am still watching tv. Basically It's a series of a normal girl's life story. To be honest, I am already bored with my break. Like staying home the whole day is so boring. I want to do something adventurous so badly!

Suddenly one scene appeared which made me focus on tv more. Seeing that scene I instantly felt sad and picked up the phone "Hello Naina! Come to my home as fast as you can!" I didn't let her speak and cut the call!

30 mins later

"Oh god! What do you want huh? I was sleeping so peacefully!" Naina said while closing the door behind her and joined me on the couch.

She wore blue jeans, with a white crop top and a check shirt. I am seeing her in those types of clothes after a long time. As she always wore formal clothing. "So miss manger, where are your formal clothes?" I teased her. She glared at me.

"So tell me why did you call here?" she asked while handing me a bag. "There is burger and fries on it!". I widened my eyes " Oh my Naina! I hugged her and pecked her cheeks. As she bought burgers and fries for me! Ahhh best thing without any doubt!

"Eww Kia!" she whipped her cheeks. "Wtf do you even know how expensive my kisses are? If I say I am going to kiss everyone, people will join in lines!" I said in a sarcastic way while unwrapping my burger.

"Now will you tell me Miss Kia?!" she asked again "Ohh yes!" I put that scene which made me sad and told her to watch. While let me enjoy my burger and fries. Why are they so tasty?

So the scene is actually about a normal girl who is not that rich. She does some small jobs but enjoys her life fully but her job seems so interesting and adventurous. She meets with new people every day and her life seems so adventurous.

As for me, I really don't know how it feels to live a life like this. To be honest my question is how does it feel to live a normal life? Why this life is so different from mine?

As the scene finished, Naina looked at me while drinking her lemonade. "So?" she asked.
"Ahem so ... .I- Find a job for me! I want to do a job! I want to live a normal life! I want to feel how it feels to have a normal life!"

To be honest the silence was loud enough to hear. She looked at me for 5 seconds and the next moment she spilled the lemonade from her mouth on the floor and again looked at me with her extremely shocked eyes!


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