Chapter 12

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"Arsh what happened? How the fuq your blood pressure got this much higher?" my personal doctor Jack asked with a big furrow on his face. "I asked the same thing again and again but sir didn't answer me!" Boby said who is standing in front of me.

"Ahem the thing is-" I sat from my lying position while trying to find words! Ahh how should I say that Superstar Kia Marshall kissed me on my cheeks.

Thinking about that "kiss" made my heart feel like coming out! Arsh stop thinking about that kiss otherwise you will have a heart attack for sure! But glad that I didn't faint there.

"Ahem for someone this raised up!" I replied. Jack looked at me for a second "Ahh Arsh, stop taking your work so important and of course ignore those clients who make our blood pressure high!"

I- He thought that someone was one of my clients? Lmao whatever! Good, I don't need to explain more.

But oh god how am I gonna sleep? Today what Kia did, how will I move on from that kiss! This feels too unreal! I am continuously thinking about that kiss which made me blush hard! But it's too late I realised that Jack and Boby are staring at me in disable!

"Did you just blush-" "NO!" I cutted both of them in the middle and quickly I hid my face with my blanket. "Get out you both! I need to sleep!" Arsh Ivan control your blush man!!!


"Oh my god! Kia you literally kissed his cheeks! Is that really you my superstar?" She smiled hard. "I don't believe either!" I hide my face with my bare hands. "But you know what I am feeling soooo good after kissing him" Naina smirked.

"I wish I could see how he reacted ( He almost died dude). But I should have kissed his lips!" Naina choked at my words. "I tasted his cheeks, next time I'll taste his lips!". "Oh my holy ears! Seriously, love ruined my good girl innocent Kia!" I chuckled.

I release a long breath while thinking about today! I wish I could live this day again! His every single action made me blush and happy! Ahhh Arsh Ivan I love you so much!!!!

Next day at Ivan Industry

I am already at the office and waiting for Arsh! Today he directly told me to come to the office! I took a glance of mine at the white glass while checking myself.

I am actually wearing a mask as I said I was very sick and had a cold so still I have to act like that. Ahh, being Nira is so hard!

Suddenly I heard some gossiping and turned around to see what's going on! My eyes widened because Arsh Ivan entered the office while smiling brightly! SMILING?????? OH MY MY!!!!

Like me, everyone was also shocked. Arsh never smiles in the office like this, he is always so cold and moody here but today? Wait wait did my kiss.......omgg I also smiled knowing the reason of his smile!

"Good morning Sir!" "Good morning Miss. Nira! How is your health now?" he asked softly. "Kinda good sir!" "Good!" He smiled and went to his cabin. He smiled again!!!!!

He sat on his chair but was still smiling brightly and my eyes also didn't move from him. I am watching him through the white glasses. Aww my baby is happy today!

Suddenly his phone rings and picks the call. He put it in his ears and eventually his smile faded, turning into an extremely shocking face! His eyes grow bigger, looks like he lost someone he never wanted to lose! I blinked in confusion.

He got up from his chair quickly and ran out while leaving his cabin. "Sir?" I called him but he was already running far away. Without any delay I run behind, if I don't I can never catch his fast steps!

He got out of the Ivan industry and ran to his car. I also quickly got inside and surprisingly he didn't say anything or I say right now he is not in that condition to say anything!

He drove at full speed which made me hold the car tightly. I looked at him, his eyes are teary wait he is crying? But why? Ahh Wtf happened that he looked like a lifeless person form a cheerful person?

But seeing him crying made my heart twisted. It started aching! Please god don't let anything bad happen to him.

Our car stopped in front of Ivan House , he got down as fast as he could and ran inside! He didn't even close the door! And one second, I looked around through the window, why are there so many people here?

Without wasting much time, I also ran inside because only Arsh can answer my question that what's going on?!

Surprisingly inside of Ivan House, it's also full of people! Now I am feeling scared, something big must have happened. I quickly went to that room downstairs where Arsh went!

A few seconds ago I never knew this room exists, inside there is full Ivan family but my eyes stopped at the bed! There is Arsh's grandmother who is lying lifelessly.

"Grandma! Grandma what happened to you! I know you are fine now, don't act anymore grandma! It's been 4 years grandma!" Arsh said with his cracking voice while tears brimmed from his eyes!

"Sorry Mr. Ivan! She couldn't make it up! We are sorry for your loss!" the doctor said, making both me and Arsh extremely shocked! "What do you mean huh?" Arsh's wolf gaze hit the doctor!

"This can't be true! No way! Grandma wake up! Please grandma wake up and prove all of them wrong! You can't leave like this! I have so much to tell you!" he couldn't control his emotions anymore! The way he is screaming and crying made me feel a stab in my heart.

"Please grandma wake up! Don't leave me like mom! How will I survive here! In this hell! Please grandma" he broke down. He was begging so hard to wake her up but it's impossible now!

I wiped tears off my eyes, please Arsh don't cry like this! This is hurting me a lot. Last time I felt hurt like when my parents left this world but this time seeing his condition made me hurt so bad!

Sana went near him, she is also crying but not massively! She is about to give Arsh a side hug but before she can do that Arsh already pushes her but lightly. Why do I feel Sana sees Arsh in a different way?

Suddenly Arsh ran away from the room! His family members called him, including me but he didn't stop! I also ran behind him! I found him already inside his car and I also went inside but he is looking hella mad while tears are continuously brimming from his eyes.

Finally his eyes noticed me "Miss Nira got down from the car!" "Please sir, take me with you! Don't go alone anywhere sir!" "Miss. Nira If you don't want to get fire then get out!" he said while greeting his teeth!

He seems too serious and his words too! Without saying anything, I quietly got down and he drove off at full speed! Does he know he took my heart with him?

Time skip

Again and again I am just checking the time! It's almost 7 hours and there is no sign of Arsh! He even missed the funeral! I tried to make them wait but they said he wouldn't come. Boby also said the same. Why didn't he come?

Ahh I can't wait anymore! I am dying here with tension, I just want to be with him! Because right now he really needs someone! Suddenly my head hit with an amazing idea! I picked up my phone and dialled the number "Only this way I can be with him!" I said while putting the phone to my ears.



I shut down the car door behind me while turning on my phone! It shows 12.30 am and the first call I received is from Boby!

"Sir! Are you fine?" I hummed. "Sir you are at your other house right?" I looked at my bungalow because right now I don't have energy and courage to go to the Ivan House!

I again hummed at his question. "Great sir! Coz there is someone waiting for you!" He hung up! I furrowed and just looked at the stairs of my house gate! Someone is sitting there! A girl in a white dress turned to me after hearing my footsteps "Kia???"......

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