Chapter 13

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A girl in a white dress turned to me after hearing my footsteps "Kia???" I blink in confusion. What is she doing here at this time?

Noticing me, she comes up to me and wraps her arms around me, pulling me closer.

"Oh god finally you came, Arsh! I know what happened but it wasn't your fault! Why are you hurting yourself Arsh?" she broke the hug and directly looked into my swollen puffy eyes.

This is the first time we hugged, it's been a while since someone hugged me like this. Our hug was a warm hug that is like a comforting embrace that envelops me in a cocoon of love and warmth. It's a gentle squeeze that brings a sense of security and solace.

The moment she hugged me, my worries and troubles melted away and I felt truly safe, supported and protected. The feeling of a warm hug can linger long after it's over, leaving me with a sense of comfort and a reminder that you are loved.

Seeing her worried gaze made me realise that there is still someone who cares about me! Who waited for me! Only my mom and grandma used to wait for me but seeing her like this made me feel I am something for her.

But she is a famous superstar and I am just her fan, nothing else. So what is she doing here? This late night? Plus how did she know about my grandmother's death?

"What are you doing here Kia? And how do you know about all of this?" I asked in confusion. She lightly smiled. "As my manager told me, your secretary's cousin works in my music company so she told him about all of this and then he mailed my manager and that's how I am here!"

I biked, my secretary... she mean Nira? "And she also told me about your condition, she thought only I could help you so that's why I came here!". Nira seriously did those all?

"But still you shouldn't come here Kia! I am just your fan and for me I don't want you to face any problem-" she cut me off by saying "First of all Arsh you are not just my fan! And 2nd of all I already considered you as my friend!" my eyes locked at her.

"If I really see you as just my fan, do you really think I would come here! Arsh from our first meeting, I took you as my friend and if something happens to my friend I must have to help him!" she pouted and started walking to the house door.

So I was wrong! She never sees me as a fan! She said I am her friend! I didn't reply to her but started walking behind her to go inside the house.

I directly came to my bedroom and surprisingly Kia also followed me. Time passes and the situation gets more awkward. None of us are saying anything, just looking around.

I sat on the bed but she was still standing. "Kia, have a seat!" In my words she sat down on the chair in front of me while looking here and there. "Umm so how will you go back? Should I have to drop you?" I asked her to normalise the atmosphere.

"No no, when it will time, my manager will come to pick me!" I nodded also while looking here and there but not at her. But suddenly my gaze stopped on the picture in my room and it and my grandmother's picture!

Realisation hit me, my throat got dryer and a drop of tears rolled down my cheeks. "Arsh!" Kia came near to me with the worried gaze which I saw before.

And that's it! I couldn't control myself anymore and broke down. "Why does everyone leave me! The people who I love the most, why they always leave me! Am I that bad Kia! Am I that unlucky Kia?". My head is on her belly while I hugged her waist tightly and tears continuously brimming from my eyes.

"No Arsh you are not! You are not bad at all! In fact you are the best guy who I have ever seen in my life! You are the best guy to me Arsh!" She put her hand on my head while holding me tightly.

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