A Day with an Idol!

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"Looks like this is the place," Izuku muttered to himself as he stood in front of the multi-story building, looking up at the Devimuse Akudol Agency sign.

When his grandpa gave him the pass for 'A Day with Idol Kuromu' last night, Izuku wasn't sure what to make of it. Being new to the Netherworld, Izuku had limited knowledge of its culture and was unfamiliar with this Idol Kuromu. As a result, he felt no excitement or desire to spend a day with this supposed idol.

So he spent a few hours doing some research at night and discovered that Kuromu was one of the most popular idols in the Netherworld. As the night went on, he fell deeper into the rabbit hole, watching more and more videos of Kuromu's performances and becoming increasingly enamored with them. After watching several more videos, he couldn't resist accepting the pass to spend a day with this idol, simply for the novelty of experiencing something new in the Netherworld.

Therefore, at this moment, Izuku Midoriya stood outside of Kuromu's Akudol agency to cash in his pass.

As soon as Izuku entered the agency, he was greeted with a whirlwind of controlled chaos. The reception area immediately caught his eye with its sleek and modern aesthetic: a pristine white marble floor and plush, brightly-colored couches arranged in tasteful clusters. Banners and screens adorned the walls, showcasing the agency's top talents, including Kuromu, in their most captivating performances.

Izuku scanned the area for a few more moments before making his way to the reception desk. The woman behind it smiled as he approached and greeted him, "Hello, how can I assist you?"

"I'm here for this," Izuku replied, sliding the pass across the desk.

"Congratulations on winning such a valuable opportunity," the woman at the reception desk said with a professional smile. "May I see some form of identification to confirm your identity?"

Izuku raised his hand, revealing the ring on his index finger with House Sullivan's emblem engraved on it. "This should be sufficient, right?" he inquired.

The moment the lady at reception spotted the ring, she knew that Izuku was a person of importance to House Sullivan. She quickly jotted down his information and instructed him to wait in a guest lounge for a few minutes. Then, she hurried off to Kuromu's room to inform her of his arrival.


Crocell Kerori, also known as Akudol Kuromu, grumbled as she crumpled the front page of the school newspaper in her hand, her eyes fixed on a photo of a particular green-haired boy standing next to a stunning display of fireworks. "Why does he always have to be so attention-grabbing?" she complained.

Meanwhile, Crocell's manager, Marbas Mar, stood behind her with a look of exhaustion and irritation etched on her face. Ever since Crocell began attending Babyls, Marbas had constantly heard her complaining about one particular boy who seemed to always steal the spotlight from her, even though Crocell claimed she didn't want to stand out at school.

"Crocell, you need to stop obsessing over that boy," Marbas shook her head. "One might think that you fancy him or something."

"What? Me liking Midoriya? Never!" Crocell retorted, glaring at her manager.

"Fine, whatever you say," Marbas said with a weary sigh. "Just make sure to get ready; the lucky fan will be here soon."

"As if spending a day with a complete stranger is going to improve my mood," Crocell muttered. "Great, just what I always wanted - spending time with someone I don't know!" she added sarcastically.

Marbas gave an apologetic smile as she said, "I understand, but we are bound by a contract."

Crocell let out a tired sigh and replied, "I know."

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