Prologue-How did we get here?

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A gunshot tore through the atmosphere as two men searched through the forest.

"Come out brat, there is no point in running away," a man with a gun yelled. 

"Yeah, once we are done with you, there will be no evidence that the transaction between two gangs ever took place," the second goon said.

And while this was going on, a 16-year-old boy was taking advantage of his green hair to blend into the surrounding 

'Damm it! I should have never accepted that job,' the boy grumbled to himself, 'I knew I should have listened to my gut feeling.'

'Told you,' the feminine voice in his said.

'Fine, I admit I was wrong,' the boy rolled his eyes, 'happy?'

'Very,' the voice giggled, 'now let's get out of here.'

'But how, they are too close. I can't risk getting shot,' the boy replied.

'Are you serious?' then the boy could feel the deadpan expression the woman in his head was giving him right now, 'Izuku, you have a way to get out of this situation, use it... now.'

Izuku sighed, he really didn't want to but he cannot resist her stern motherly voice, 'All right, here goes nothing,' Izuku thought and green energy surrounded his body, 'Smokescreen,' Izuku thought and instantly the entire area was filled with smoke.

"What the hell is going on," one of the men said, "where is this smoke coming from?"

"I don't know man but I can't see a damm thing," the second man said as they both tried to navigate through the fog.

Meanwhile, after creating significant distance between him and the thugs the green lighting surrounding Izuku vanished as he claimed down.

"Damm it! Is it so much to ask to be normal at least in my second life?" Izuku groaned as he sat down and stared at the sky.


'The beginning after the end.' I am sure many of you have heard this phrase before but Izuku Midoriya now Suzuki was living it right now.

In his previous life, he managed to defeat All for One and fulfilled his duty as the 9th holder of One for All but while doing that he sustained so many injuries that by the end of the battle he realized that his heart was already stopped and the only thing keeping him alive was One for All.

Then after saying his teary goodbye, he closed his eyes hoping to rest his body and soul only to open his eyes in an unfamiliar place and in the unfamiliar body of a two-year-old child.

At first, he didn't believe that he was reincarnated. He thought that all of this was a dream but then as time went on he realized that this is real and he really was reincarnated in the world without superpowers. 


'Izuku you are  normal,' the woman inside his head scolded him, 'and stop looking at your gift like a curse.'

"Easy for you to say," Izuku grumbled, "you don't know what it feels like to be different."


Even though he was still grasping his new reality, he was also somewhat delighted that now he can live a normal life. One where he won't be bullied for not having a quirk, one where he is not at risk of getting discriminated against for being different and finally he can be a respected person without having to carry the weight of the world on his shoulder.  

And keeping in fashion with his luck, his dream was immediately smashed when at the age of three he took his first step, and his scumbag parents immediately started using him to earn money for themselves by putting him in situations that no child should ever go through. 

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