Chapter 14

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"Oh thank you dears!" Mrs Hudson exclaims, hugging the sociopaths. "My husband is finally gone!"

"You're welcome, Mrs Hudson." Elizabeth says, trying to get out of the hug, Sherlock copying.

"Oh, I am so glad you two came along!" Mrs Hudson said, unaware of them being uncomfortable in the hug. "I am finally free from my husband!"

"Yes-yes, very touching and nice." Sherlock says, pushing her away gently. "We're just going to go upstairs now, and um..." Get away from you, Sherlock finishes in his mind.

"Edit our job details." Elizabeth finishes for him, grabbing his hand and tugging him upstairs.

"Okay, then!" Mrs Hudson calls from the first step. "Make sure you two are quiet when having -"

"WE'RE NOT GOING TO HAVE SEX!" they yelled down the stairs.

"Okay, okay." she chuckles, retreating back to her room.


"So," Elizabeth says, typing on her laptop. "Our website is called 'The Science of Deduction'?"

"Yes." Sherlock confirms. "Add our numbers as well, so the people can call us."

"Okay," she mumbles, adding their numbers, not caring it is dangerous adding it. "What do we say on our homepage?"

"Um..." Sherlock trails off, looking in the distance with a thoughtful look. "How about," he starts. ""We're Sherlock Holmes and Elizabeth Peyton, the world's only consulting detectives. We're not going to go into detail about how we do what we do because chances are you wouldn't understand. If you've got a problem that you want us to solve, then contact us. Interesting cases only please.""

"Nice." Elizabeth comments, typing what he just said. He then continued his speech.

""This is what we do; one: We observe everything. Two: From what we observe, we deduce everything. Three: When we eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how mad it might seem, must be the truth. If you need assistance, contact us and we'll discuss its potential.""

"And...done!" Elizabeth exclaims, saving the speech onto their homepage. "Nice words."

"Thanks!" Sherlock grins, grabbing his coat and scarf. "Come on, let's go to the morgue. If we don't have any cases, we can just go and grabs some experiments there."

"Know anyone that'll give us body parts?" Elizabeth asks him, following his lead on grabbing her own coat that is similar to his. It was actually a present from Sherlock for one of her birthdays.

"Um, yeah." Sherlock nods. "Just met her yesterday while we were at court for Mrs Hudson's husband. She was actually on a lunch break."

"She?" Elizabeth frowns. "Did you flatter your way though to her?"


"Meh, but she better not flirt in front of me."

"She might."

"Great. Good job, William" Elizabeth grumbles, following him outside.

"I love you!" he replies innocently. It worked, and Elizabeth looks down with a blush.

"You're lucky I love you back." she said, hailing a cab.


"Saint Bart's?" Elizabeth looks up at the tall building. "Nice."

"Come on." Sherlock said, grabbing her hand. "I wanna do some experiments while we're waiting for a case."

They walk into the hospital, going down to the morgue. Sherlock leads his girlfriend to a lab, seeing a woman with her back to them. "Miss Hooper?" Sherlock calls out. Miss Hooper jumps in surprise, turning around to face them like a deer caught in the lights.

"Oh! Sherlock!" she exclaims. "Gave me a fright!" Miss Hooper has gold-brown hair up in a ponytail, her whole look showing she is a shy and quiet girl.

"Yes, we see." Sherlock states, looking around the lab approvingly.

"We?" Miss Hooper frowns. She then notices Elizabeth. "Oh! Hello, who are you?" she asks her. "I'm Molly Hooper."

"Elizabeth Peyton." Elizabeth introduces. "Sherlock's colleague and girlfriend."

"Girlfriend!" Miss Hooper exclaims, blushing madly.

"Hm, he flirted with you didn't he." Elizabeth states, giving her a sympathetic smile. "Always does that to the women to get his way - well, it doesn't work on me..."

"Shut up." Sherlock mumbles, playfully glaring at her.

"I am very sorry that you fell for his tricks, Miss Hooper." Elizabeth said, like he never spoke much to his dismay. Why is she acting like this? Sherlock wonders. She's never showing this much emotion to a stranger. What does she have up her sleeve?

"It's okay." Miss Hooper smiles slightly. "And you can call me Molly."

"Okay...Molly." Elizabeth tries the name, smiling slightly. "Anyway, do you have any body parts?"


"Hello, Miss Hooper." a man said, entering the lab. Elizabeth and Sherlock both look up from their experiment, eyeing the man that just entered. He had grey hair, looking tired and very worn out. Elizabeth and Sherlock start spitting out deductions to each other about the man.

"He's a police person!" Sherlock whispers. "A Detective Inspector."

"Must be looking for a dead body." Elizabeth adds. "He already looks fed up with his case. Should we help him?"

"Introduce our job and show off our deductions?" Sherlock says rhetorically. "Sure."

They both stand up straight, and makes their way to Molly and the Detective Inspector. "Hello Detective Inspector," Sherlock says, holding his hand out. "Sherlock Holmes, and this is my colleague and girlfriend, Elizabeth Peyton."

"We're Consulting Detectives." Elizabeth adds.

"Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade." the man says, shaking Sherlock's hand. "How did you know I was a DI, and what the hell is a Consulting Detective?"

"A Consulting Detective is when the police are out of their depth -"

"Which is always." Sherlock adds, making Lestrade send an annoyed look to him.

"-and they come to us to consult us with their problem." Elizabeth finishes, like Sherlock never interrupted.

"We make deductions." Sherlock then explains. "We're very good at it. For example, we knew you were a DI."

"And we know that you are already worn out on a case." Elizabeth adds. "Which means, you need the help you can get, which is why-"

"-we introduced ourselves to you so we can put you out of your misery." Sherlock finishes.

"So, what do you say?" Elizabeth said.

"Um...sure, I guess." Lestrade answers. "I'll see what you can give me on these bodies."

Sherlock and Elizabeth grin at each other for their success, following Molly and Lestrade to where the bodies are.

My High-functioning Sociopath (BBC Sherlock fanfiction) *Under editing*Where stories live. Discover now