Chapter 3

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As I slowly turned back I was faced by a tall dark figure, this person had long-ish wavy hair but I couldn't tell which colour it was because they were in the shadows. But It did look a little lighter, then they spoke well should I say 'he' now. He then walked out of the shadows and I was met by this slim face and you could see his cheek bones with mousey brown hair that caught the sun though sunset. He had hazel eyes which I couldn't look away from because they were just really nice. When he smiled his straight white teeth were on show, he was wearing dark blue jeans with a tight white t-shirt that showed all of his muscles. I couldn't help but stare. But then he spoke again brining me back to where I was before he took my focus away by his looks. Then I had just realised that the person that was standing right in front of me was my best friend of course the best fiend that I have fancied but never really had the chance to tell him how I felt, I have to say he has changed a lot since I last saw him but it is a good change he is just so irresistible right now I pinch myself to find out whether I was dreaming "ouch" I whisper to myself earning so weird almost confused looks. "OMG Ch....Charlie .... Um h..... How r u?" I finally stutter out unable to speak I swear he has got even hotter since I last saw him I thought to myself "hi Chrissy, yea I'm not too bad thanks what about you how have you been." he replied while I stood there in gaze and then I noticed he looked at me waiting for a reply "huh um yea I'm okay" he stood there and shook his head " chriss this is not like you." " you don't daydream and you always say 'okay' when something s up" I stood there in shock because I had totally forgotten that I told him everything and he knew me too well "so what has happened?" I stood there with my head down wanting to tell him everything that happened but I just didn't know how to. "chriss what's wrong?" then I lifted my head smiled " nothing I'm fine, I just missed you that's all" he looked at me smile and then pulled me in for a hug. I rested my head on his shoulder and took a deep breath in, and then we pulled away from one and other. Then he kindly walked me home and we got talking about everything that he has been up to since we had last met which was about a year and a half ago. Then when we got back to mine I had told him to come in while I changed and then we went and got a coffee to talk more.


After we got coffees and talked for hours, then all of a sudden he looked down at his watch and then his phone goes off "heyy I'm really sorry but I have got to go but we can catch up again soon, ill text you" he told me really apologetic he got up and paid, hugged me and then left. So I got up and decided to go for a walk before I headed home. Walking through the forest as the sun was setting which made the leaves and the grass go a lovely golden colour. As it was getting darker I had decided to head home. Just a I turned around I could feel somebody there then the wind picked up the leaves scattered and then the presents left with it. But as I was heading out of the forest there was something behind the tree stumps or should I say there was somebody there but I wasn't sure who. Then when I got out from the forest I turned back and there was a black figure blurred because where the sun was the figure was stood right in front of the sun.


Once I got in the door mum asked me how coffee and walk was I frown at her how did my mum know that I went for a walk "yes I know that you went for a walk" awnsering my frown "wait but how?" I asked in reply " well because ur friend charlie came over a little while ago to make sure that you made it home safely" and then she frowns at me "ohh", "sorry mum I know I was ment to come home after the drink but I needed to go for a walk to clear my head" the only thing she said after that was 'okay' and then walked off. So I went to my room and then sat on my bed.


and then my phone lit up it was an unknown number:


ME: Who is this??

UNKNOWON: OH! Sorry its Charlie

ME: hey

Whilst I waited for a reply I saved the number as Charlies


I sit on my bed a bit confused then I realise what my mum said and the fact that Charlie came over early on to make sure I made it home okay

ME: sorry I am home now I just went for a walk for a while in the forest just so that I could clear my head.

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