Chapter 1

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When I was younger I used to be noticed but I don't anymore it's like I have been erased from life because I'm always being ignored I went from being so well known but I'm not anymore it's like they have forgotten me there I was sitting on the bus traveling home I was listening to music then I got this incredible heat and headache come over me then there was screaming so I looked behind me and as I turned my attention to the front of the bus again I noticed that I was being stared at, it was this guy. I realised that I was staring so then I looked away but when I looked back I had noticed that he was gone. How could you just disappear off a moving bus? Because we haven't stopped yet.

When the bus did stop it was my time to get off so as I walked the rest to get to my house. When I got in I put my bag down and then ran straight up the stair "so how was your day hunny?" my mum shouted up the stairs. But I didn't answer because she never asked how my day was when I got to my room I shut the door and went to put some music on to block out everything and at the moment I have turned a sudden interest into against the current they are a pop rock type band. When I get to my room and put on my music the first song that came on was paralyzed and I danced and sang along with it until the lighting went out and nothing worked it was scary and then It was like somebody was whispering in my ear and then I heard them say something but couldn't make out what they were trying to say. Then once they finished what they were trying to say they disappeared and my lights and music came back. Then I collapsed onto the floor through shock and fear. What did they say? What did they want? Who was it? I asked myself unsure. More importantly why did this happen to me? After that had happened I decided to get some rest because so many weird things had just happened.


Once I woke I looked around the room to make sure nothing happened while I slept and to my relief nothing did. Everything was where I had left it before, but something was odd I could feel it but I wasn't sure what. There was a cold presence in the room so I jumped up from where I sat and ran over to the window but it was shut and locked. So I tried to forget about it all and got ready for another day of school.

When I got out of the shower there was something written on the mirror so then I looked closer and there was a dark figure standing behind me.

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