chapter 2

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I quickly turned around to catch them but they had gone and left their presence here in the room with me. I slowly turned back to the mirror to find what had been written on it and there it was as it run down the mirror making it hard to work out what it said, but it was along the lines of "I WILL SEE YOU AGAIN SOON" and I could make out that whoever wrote on my mirror writes in capitals. As I read to the end of that I had a shiver through out my body. Once I had got dressed I ran down the stairs and looked for mum to tell her everything of what happened last night and this morning but she wasn't here so I assumed that she had left for work early. So I just got some toast picked up my bag and made my way to school. The place that everybody thinks I am weird so they do their best to avoid and ignore me.


As I'm on my way home on the bus I sit at the back of it and block everything and everybody out with my music in my ears listening to a bit of sleeping with sirens then my favourite song came on and it was roger rabbit. By the time it had finished the bus stopped for me to get off, when I got to an alley way that I go straight down to get home I could feel somebody following me so I turned. But there wasn't anybody there, so I carried on and then I heard footsteps come closer and closer so I took out my music and then the footsteps stopped, by the time I got to the other end of the alleyway I turned to see if anybody was there.

I collided into something, something that was built up like a wall, when I turned it was a dark figure but what it was or who it was I have no idea until I turned and looked at them......

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