Chapter 1 - Rule Breakers

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As my brown eyes fluttered shut to the lights strobing around me, I could feel the beat reverberating through my skull. The seedy underbelly of Coruscant is a place I knew I shouldn't be yet...why did everything wrong always feel so right?

The hands of an unfamiliar yet highly attractive Zabrak were on my waist as I let the music take me away to a place I could be free. Fingers pressed to the caramel skin laid bare from the cut-out sides of the tight, sequined dress I wore. But I couldn't feel anything other than the euphoria I was experiencing from being away from prying eyes.

Just as a pair of lips brushed the edge of my mouth, I felt it... Rather, I felt him. A surge of annoyance flared within me at his audacity and my eyes shot open. How dare he come here! This had been my safe haven, my refuge ever since my life had become so twisted... I needed this sanctuary.

An irritated sigh blew past my plump lips before I spoke, "Skywalker, why do you always have to ruin it for me?"

Stepping in front of me then, Anakin looked almost as agitated as I was at him tracking me down. His normally placid cerulean gaze had hardened and I could practically see the fire within his irises.

"I wouldn't have to ruin it for you if you'd just follow the rules, Aroo," he shot back, crossing his arms over his chest.

The Zabrak who had previously been trying to steal a kiss quickly made himself scarce due to the waves of pure anger rolling off of Anakin. Rolling my eyes, a scoff escaped my mouth as I turned away from him and began to push my way through the crowd, nearly bumping into a droid serving drinks as I did. No way was I staying here now that he'd showed up.

"As if you actually follow the rules!" I tossed over my shoulder, Anakin on my heels.

Reaching underneath my short brown tresses, I quickly removed the pin that had been concealing my Padawan braid and let it fall to brush my bare shoulder. Exiting the hot, crowded nightclub, I breathed in the cool air in relief. However it was short-lived, Anakin's fingers wrapping around my elbow as he led me to a shadowed corner.

Pushing me up against the wall, his eyes were like chips of ice on Hoth, "What were you doing in there, Jetta? You shouldn't be down here at Level 1313. And what in the name of the Force are you wearing?"

This last was said as his eyes traced the contours of my dress that was far too revealing for a Padawan learner in the Jedi Order.

"I like being here, okay? I enjoy the music and the company of different people. I just...I needed the break from it all." I admitted honestly, holding his gaze in defiance.

Something in Anakin's eyes softened slightly at my words, knowing full well why I needed the getaway. Many Jedi had been sent on that mission to Ansion due to the border dispute but only Master Kinza had perished in the ensuing fighting. We'd been back for a few weeks now but I'd still been taking it hard. I still couldn't believe I would never see him again... Several Jedi, Master Yoda included, thought I was dwelling on my loss too much - that I should instead be happy he'd become one with the Force. But nevertheless, it was still a loss I felt in my bones.

Since the Jedi had been so overwhelmed with the amount of star systems seceding from the Republic, the Council had agreed that I would assist Master Kenobi and his apprentice until a new Master stepped forward to claim me. No matter how much Anakin and I argued, we'd always agreed silently on the matter of disagreement with the Jedi's rules - to a point anyway.

Anakin and I were so close that I could feel his warm breath fanning my face. Suddenly, a drunk Togruta stumbled out of the club and eyed me standing there. The quick wink he sent me melted Anakin's calm expression to one of anger once more. Grasping my arm roughly, he began to pull me through the tangle of people on the sidewalk and back to the Jedi Temple. Back to the bonds of an oath I had made long ago. The very same oath that had led me to meeting the man who now held me in his vice-like grip.

In all honesty, I should never have left the Padawan dormitories. I'd be in heaps of trouble if Master Kinza were to find out. But word about the rumored "Chosen One" had already spread through the whole temple by lunchtime. So when everyone had retired for the evening, I couldn't just let the golden opportunity pass me by.

If anyone had happened to be strolling through the hallways at night, that's where they would have found me - with my ear pressed to the automatic steel door while clad in a loose-fitting tunic and bare feet. Using the Force to enhance my hearing, I closed my eyes to focus on the words emitting from the other side.

"...he is to be trained then?" Master Qui-Gon Jinn was asking.

There was a long pause and I held my breath as I, too, awaited their answer with hope...and was quickly disappointed.

"No. He will not be trained." Master Windu responded emotionlessly.

I held back a scoff and an eye-roll. It wasn't right to choose favorites from your fellow Jedi but...I honestly never liked that guy. Too judgmental.

"He is the Chosen One. You must see it,"

Master Yoda hummed once before replying in his signature enigmatic way, "Clouded this boy's future is..."

Another pause before Master Qui-Gon spoke again, "I will train him then. I take Anakin as my Padawan learner,"

My eyebrows hit my hairline, resisting the urge to fist-pump the air.

"An apprentice you have, Qui-Gon. Impossible to take on a second!"

"The Code forbids it," Master Windu pointed out and this time, his words did earn an eye-roll.

After denying Master Qui-Gon's request both for his current apprentice to become a full-fledged Jedi Knight and the training of a new Padawan in the young Chosen One, the Jedi Council dismissed the three of them.

"May the Force be with you." Master Yoda waved them away.

With widened brown eyes, I quickly scurried away to melt into the shadows just as they entered the hallway. Both Master and Apprentice seemed to be in a quiet heated conversation as they walked on but the youngest of the group lingered behind. His cerulean eyes somehow seemed to see me, even in the darkness.

Knowing I had been caught out, I saw no reason in continuing to hide and stepped into the dim city lights which still streamed through the windows. The boy who had garnered so much attention in recent days wore only a tan-colored tunic and badly-scuffed shoes. He gave me a half-smile in greeting as he assessed me. But it wasn't the rumors of being the Chosen One that made me remember this particular encounter years later. It was the question that rolled off his tongue so casually.

"Are you from Iego, too?" he asked me, his blue gaze full of childish innocence.

My eyebrows knitted together in confusion at this, "What are you talking about?"

He reddened slightly before mumbling, "Never mind."

"You're Anakin Skywalker. Everyone's saying you're the Chosen One, the one to bring balance to the Force...does that mean you're staying then?"

Anakin was quiet a moment before shrugging in response, "I don't know... I hope so,"

All of a sudden, I could hear footsteps coming nearer down the hallway. It seems the two Jedi had noticed they'd misplaced their charge. It was time for me to disappear.

Anakin turned to look back at me, "Wait, will I see you again? What's your name?"

Even then, I never had Anakin's deep connection to the Force or his penchant for premonitions but it seems in that one moment I did as the words tumbled from my mouth.

"Jetta Aroo. And I know we'll meet again. I have a feeling we'll be in each others' lives for a long time, Skywalker."

Author's Note: I'm honestly curious: how are y'all liking Jetta so far? It's so much fun to write her, she's such a sassy little troublemaker LOL <333

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