Author's Note

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Dear beloved individuals,

Thank you for embracing the opportunity to read this remarkable book. The struggles, fears, and burden of unforgiveness that the characters in this book faced often mirror the very challenges some of us encounter in our own lives. From seemingly incurable conditions to hearts shattered by countless unanswered questions, we often resign ourselves to accepting these circumstances, inadvertently allowing the enemy to keep us distant from the truth.

But Hallelujah! I rejoice in proclaiming that there is freedom for every child of God in Christ Jesus. He has delivered us from every curse and darkness. There will be no more pain, no more struggle, and no more unforgiveness. All we need to do is play our part by having faith that everything deemed impossible becomes possible through Christ Jesus. And rest assured, the Lord will faithfully fulfill His part.

However, this proclamation of peace and satisfaction is intended for the children of God—those who have genuinely surrendered their lives to Christ Jesus. Do not fret, for you can join this family without any cost, right here and right now, and receive your eternal freedom. To do so, please follow the steps below with all your heart:

1. Recognize and acknowledge that you are a sinner.
2. Humbly ask Jesus for forgiveness and accept Him as your Lord and personal Savior.
3. Turn away from your sins and earnestly seek His guidance and assistance.

Congratulations! Welcome to God's family! We love and deeply care for you. May the grace of our Lord Jesus abundantly dwell within you as you journey with Him. Amen!

If you would like to share your wonderful experience with us or have a prayer request, please feel free to contact us via email at and

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