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"Is there a reason to continue?"

Standing on a bridge in the peaceful evening, water running below and creating soothing waves occasionally, a young girl takes a deep breath, inhales, and exhales, lost in melancholic thoughts.

People walk around not paying attention to the person with long black hair with bangs and brown eyes.

She puts her arms on the edge of the bridge, leaning on the palms of her hands, as the water is running peacefully.

What's left to do here for me? People hate me and I don't have anyone in particular. Besides, the principal of my school expelled me.

By the corner of her eye, she sees three seemingly familiar girls, who are laughing.

She quickly pulled a hood over her head, probably so the upcoming pedestrians wouldn't notice her.

Besides wanting to or not, she would have eavesdropped and there was no reason for her to leave early.

"What, you're moving? When?"

"Yes, Mom told me two weeks ago. I wasn't sure how to tell you, because it's far from here."

"Aw, we're going to miss you. Do you truly have to go?"

"It's decided." the girl said gloomily.

The other girl on the bridge gasped slightly, realizing who these three girls were, however, luckily they didn't hear the sound and walked past her without noticing.

She took a peek at them once again, as if she came to another realization.

"Move far away..." she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper, "that's what I have to do!"

The second sentence was louder and so some pedestrians gazed at her, and she immediately realized her mistake. It's better not to attract attention.

A bird landed in the water, as she pulled the hood down and gazed up at the sky. "I hope you're still there watching over me."

She turned away from the bridge, determined. "It's time to start anew and change everything, somewhere far, far away."


[Unknown's POV/DAY]:

A boy with dark brown messy hair and bangs covering his almost whole forehead walks through the school hall, and whispers can be heard.

He turns his head in both directions, right and left, frowning slightly, and thinks: Why is everyone looking at me?

He then slowed down his pace slightly as if a realization arrived in his mind. Did she tell someone what happened between us? No, not like they care anyway.

On halfway to the classroom he raised his eyebrow as he saw a medium tall girl walking towards him quickly and seemingly angrily. She didn't stop until she stood in front of him, looking him dead in the eye.

"How could you?!"

The boy seemed to be surprised by this as he opened his eyes a little more. "What are you talking about?"

"My friend! Don't you pretend you don't know!" her voice became a little high pitched and tears formed in her eyes. She was the kind of girl who would tear up when angry.

"Oh, she told you?" his face darkened slightly, "it was for the best."

"What?" she seemed stunned, "how can you say that?"

"It's not your business. What needs to be done is done."

"I can't believe you. You're exactly as she described! Horrible!"

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