CHAPTER 1 - Misunderstood (S1,VOL1,EP1)

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The alarm's numbers change and it causes loud beeping. These sounds wake me abruptly from my dream. That's right, today's the day.

My hand reaches to a nightstand beside the tatami bed as I try to turn off the device, and almost knock down a cat-shaped lamp off the table. I look at the time, groan, and get up. About three meters away from the bed is a wardrobe and its right door is open. On the outside of it is a hanger with my school uniform.

Today I'm starting a new life in a new school and coming on the second term.

I walk over to the closet and yawn, taking my school uniform and dressing in black knee socks with white stripes, a white blouse with a navy bow, and a pleated skirt of the same dark blue color.

Once that's done, I open the left wardrobe door and reach for a hairbrush. Brushing my long white hair in front of the mirror located on the left side, a pale girl is watching me. Her eyes are cornflower blue with a few purple dots here and there, eyelashes are the color of snow.

Her forehead is hidden under bangs and she has long hair strands in front of her ears.

A thick black plain choker hangs around her neck. The girl is me. I wear it everywhere. Fortunately, my school allows for some jewelry.

I stuff my mouth with some sweet bread soon after, chewing while throwing school supplies in my randoseru - which is a firm leather backpack. I sling the backpack over my shoulder, heading out with keys in one hand and a phone in another.

I walk down three floors and exit the building and as I continue my way, stares land on me, thanks to my appearance. People sometimes want to take a photo of or with me; they think I'm cosplaying. A lot of schools rejected me because of how I looked. They refused to accept a girl with white hair. 'Either dye it or don't return.' the principals said.

Why do we get rejected only because of our hair color? Aren't we all the same, regardless of skin color, hair color, eyes, height, or weight?

I was furious. Finally, I found one school, though! I got accepted! I know people are going to check me out... But I hope life is going to be better than before.

I take the long way to school around a park with a river flowing next to me. It's different from the last city, and I don't mind. No one's certainly heard of me before.


A lot of students including me walk through the brown school gates, and they gaze at me rather often. All that I need to do is just follow the people. I've received some important papers, and it seems like my class is 2-B on the upper floor.

Near the entrance is the locker room, where I and others trade our shoes in for a different pair. It takes a while to discover my class and enter. As expected, people stare at me with interest there too. I crash on an empty seat and place my randoseru on the desk, out of breath. Too many stairs!

Behind me, three girls talk, and once they see me, their chatter becomes quieter.

"Who's that? A new student? Is she a foreigner? Do you think she can speak Japanese?"

"Well, I am not sure, I've never seen anyone like that."

"Hey, don't be rude, if you want to know just go ahead and ask her." A girl's voice said, "Hey, can you speak Japanese?"

I raise my head and a girl stands in front of me, she has black short hair with bangs and dark brown eyes.

"Yes, I can."

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