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(Kurumi's POV¨)

"You desire to be friends with me?" he blinked and questioned in surprise, "You shouldn't. It's dangerous."
"I see... If you don't want to... it's fine."
I felt awkward for asking the question as we both ended up not saying anything. "I'm sorry."
"It's fine... Actually, I could use a friend."
My face lit up and when he saw that, I noticed he almost smiled. "Really? You mean it?"
"Sure... Be careful, though." his face darkened, "It's not the first time these guys have appeared. You're better staying away from me still. I told you it's dangerous to get involved! That's why I'm always alone."
"It must be lonely, I heard some rumors about you."
"Yes everyone says so," his face darkened furthermore, "do you believe them or not?"
"I just got here, and you don't seem bad." I objected, "Oh no! I completely forgot about the girls."
"Yua and Takao Naomi?" he asked coldly, "they're not who you think."
"What do you mean? They were nice to me."
That's right, even if I helped him it doesn't have to mean he's a good person... maybe he was getting bullied for a reason... No! I can't think that about him! Yet what if? Why do I even care about this so much?
"You don't know anything."

"And how am I supposed to know when you refuse to tell me literally anything?" I answered defensively and he sighed. "It's a long story, are you sure you want to be friends? I'm not sure how to even do friendship."
"Me neither."
"You seem very friendly, though." Nakajima objected.
"You don't know anything either."
I refuse to be a slave of my past anymore. I want to live again, not just exist to survive.
He smiled in a sad manner, "I guess there's a lot to learn. We should return to that hellhole soon."
"Hey, what do you mean Yua and Takao are bad? How are you sure?"
He viewed me firmly and stayed silent for a while before speaking. "They did something bad to me. Some girls are fake, Sakura. Two-faced even if it doesn't seem at first."
"It's true that I didn't spend enough time with them."
"They always try to make a good impression, yet they hide under a facade."
"And what's the deal with everyone thinking you're a bad person?"
"It's complicated. Those two helped with it."
"They did something to you?"
"You will find out soon enough." Nakajima's face became covered by a shadow.
There were no words to speak and as we both have no idea what to say, we continue our way in silence.


Eyes land on us as we enter the classroom, almost late. Some students seem surprised and whispers can be heard.
We return to our desks, my desk is on the left side, next to a wall with a window. Nakajima is surprisingly next to me, and I hadn't noticed this before as he wasn't sitting at his seat until the school bell rang the first hour.
Yua sits behind me, and to her left side is Naomi.

"Sakura? You were with Nakajima?" Yua seemed surprised.
"Yes, I was."
"I told you he's no good. You shouldn't be around people like him."
"Why do you care so much about who I talk to? You barely know me."
"Because I know what kind of person he is." she responded, sending a glare in his direction, "the one who hurts you and acts like he's the victim."
I turned my face to Nakajima, who was frowning and clenching his fists. "Actually, that's you. Why do you keep doing this to me?" he asked sharply and angrily stood up.
"See? I told you."
"Sakai Yua." I said a little louder than expected, "I choose who I talk to and when. If I want to talk to him then I will and nothing can stop me."
"But he is —"
"I don't care. It's my decision. Mind your own business instead of minding others so much." I snapped, afterward my face lit up though. Oh no. I didn't mean to say it so harshly. It's my first day and I'm already getting in trouble with my new classmates.
"Fine. You will regret it, though."
"That's enough, Yua." Naomi said, trying to calm her friend down, "Let them be."
She viewed me with a face that sent off apologizing vibes for her friend.
I turned to Nakajima, who carried on glaring at them, holding himself not saying anything inappropriate.
"Are you okay?"
He eyed me and his face wasn't so angry anymore. "I'm fine."
The sudden chime reminded us that the break was over, and saved us all from further inconveniences.
Nothing much happened after that. Sure, my new friend and Yua constantly glare at each other, and I'm feeling confused. There really is a lot to learn about my new classmates.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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