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3rd person pov

You were just finishing up your shift at your local café when you got a text from your friend

"I told them I was at work... well, nobody's here and I guess looking at it wouldn't hurt..."
You pick up your phone and look at the text

Over text

Yo, Did you hear??

You can't just ask if I heard about something and expect me to know.

Fontaine is finally out in genshin!

Oh, I knew that.
It's been like 3 weeks how are you just finding this out?

I was grounded...
Got caught sneaking out again

Skill issue.

Out of text

"I can't believe I risked losing my job for for that stupid text..."
You close your phone and continue closing the café

After locking the café up you finally leave and begin walking home.

As you were walking home you notice a drunk man running through the streets.

"Out of my way lady!"
He shoved you to the side, making you lose your balance

"Hey! Watch it dimwit!"
You yell at him as you dust off your clothes

"What did you say to me..?"
He stops in his tracks and turns to look back on you

"I said to watch it."
You glare at him

"Listen here little lady-"

"Ew, don't call me that."

"I'll call you whatever I want!"

He shoves you into the road. You walk off the road just as a car speeds by

"What the fuck is wrong with you-"
After seeing the car just barely miss you you turn back to the drunk man and.. he's holding a gun to your head

"Goodnight, little lady."

"Wait no-"

Before you can even ask for your life, he shoots you...

It feels like you're falling for some reason... is this what going to hell is like..? Are you going to hell? But what did you do..?

You open your eyes and you see a sky..! A beautiful blue sky! Wait a minute... how are you still alive? Also you're falling from the sky!


This book isn't going to be very good honestly. Oneshots are more my thing but I'm giving a full book a try

{ Why me... } Reincarnated Fem! Y/n in genshin (yandere) (Yuri)Where stories live. Discover now