{How odd.} Chapter 2

447 26 8

Y/n = your name
N/n = nick name
H/c = hair color
E/c = eye color
F/c = favorite color
F/f = favorite food
F/d = favorite drink

This place sucks.

I wanna leave.

I miss my friends.

The only good thing for me is the power I earned.

Your train of thought is interrupted by a person bumping into you

"Oh! Sorry Miss!"
A soft female voice said.

When you look at the person who bumped into you, you see a small child dressed in red. It was Klee! The little red knight of favonius you pulled for and didn't get..

"It's alright. You didn't get hurt, did you?"
You ask offering your hand to her

She took your hand and got up.

"Nope! I'm alright!"
Klee put her hands on her hips

"That's good. I'll get going now. Have a good evening"

You begin to walk away as the sun started going down. Klee had already ran back into the city of mondstadt by the time you passed the big tree in windrise.

The soft sound of music can be heard in the distance, somewhere up in the tree.

'That must be a bard practicing... but up in windrise tree? Maybe it's Venti. It's probably Venti.'
You stopped to look up at the tree, seeing if you could catch a glimpse of a person.

You thought aloud.

You continued to walk, not sure where you were even going. You didn't have anywhere to really go.. You just went wherever your legs took you.


After walking for what seemed like hours you stopped at starsnatch cliff, looking out at the other cliffs and waters.

"What a peaceful sight...."

"Why haven't you caused havoc yet?"

A voice echoes in your head.


"You've been blessed with the power of the queen of the void and you haven't caused havoc? How pathetic."

The voice sounded familiar but you've never heard it speaking English before...


"Don't call me that. You can only call me queen. Now, start destroying humanity! No human is a good human."

The voice stopped responding after that... as if it was never there in the first place... Was it ever there?

Before you knew it, the sun was rising again... a familiar squeaky voice spoke from behind you.

"Hey! It's that lady we saw earlier! I  think her name was Y/n."
She was speaking to the traveler but yelling depsite being right next to him

"Hello again. It's good to see you once more, I suppose."

"Hello Y/n"
The traveler spoke to you for the first time. It was obvious teyvatian wasn't his native language but he spoke it pretty well

"Hello Traveler!"
You dropped the cold facade when Aether talked to you. He was just so cheerful, it was hard not to smile back

"Talk about a mood swing..."
Paimon muttered

"How long have you been standing here?"
He asked walking closer to you

"Since yesterday."
You said nonchalantly

Paimon's jaw dropped and the traveler was quite shocked as well

Paimon yelled with shock evident in her tone

"Yeah. I lost track of time."
You shrugged

"How have you not collapsed!?"
Paimon yelled again

"I dunno."

The traveler looks at you with some suprise visible in his expression.

He looks at Paimon as if to tell her something

"Oh yeah! Have you by any chance seen the travelers sister? She looks like him but uh- a girl."
Paimon floats behind the traveler and points at him

"No... I haven't, I'm sorry."

Paimon looks a bit disappointed while Aether looks sad.

"It's okay, we understand."

"I could help you look for her if you'd like. I really need to get my mind off some things anyways."

Paimon and Aether looked suprised for a moment before the both smile at you

"Yay! A new travel buddy!"

"Oh- uh- okay."
Paimon drags you with them as they walk down from the cliff.

"Why don't we go get food?"
Aether suggests

"Oh! Yes! Paimon wants fishermens toast!"
She responds excitedly

"I could go for some food"

You stretch your arms, stretching one and holding one of your hands while you do.

Aether and Paimon stop walking, Aether pulls out his sword.

"Huh? What's wrong?"
You ask stop and looking where Aether's looking

"What is that thing!?"
Paimon yells frantically

Upom looking you notice a honkai beast coming out of a portal

Aether prepared to fight it.

You feel something appear next to you. It's three sharp lances.

With a motion of your hand you send the 3 lances hurling at the beast, stabbing it in the face and core.

"...What was that?"
Aether turns to you looking very suprised

"I don't know... but that was fun!"

"Paimon's head hurts..."

"So are we going to eat?"

"Oh! Yes yes!"
Paimon starts flying mondstadt city you and Aether running after her.


You've beem given an update. Enjoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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