{a new place} Chapter 1

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Y/n = your name
N/n = nick name
H/c = hair color
E/c = eye color
F/c = favorite color
F/f = favorite food
F/d = favorite drink
(Traveler is Aether in this btw)


3rd person pov

You were falling through the sky when you were 100% supposed to be dead. You look down towards the ground, it was still a long way down. You shut your eyes and prepare for the worst but much to your suprised, you land much fater then anticipated. You opened your eyes to see that you weren't on the ground, but were standing in the air... how odd...

Looking around a bit, you noticed a cliff... you were near a cliff and a big tree. This feels familiar.. looking down at your own body, you notice that you're not in your regular clothes! You're in the herrscher of the voids outfit! Actually... right now you're standing in the air like the herrscher of the void was in final lesson... did you become the herrscher of the void? You feel like you, you.. you have no mirror to look at yourself in so you don't actually know if you look like yourself...

Looking around more you notice a domain... a domain? Like the domains from genshin? Actually now that you think about it, the big tree, the cliff and now the domain, you were completely certain you were in genshin impact now.

Even though the fact you were standing in the air and honestly pretty scared, you decided to try to walk down like you've seen herrscher of the void do. Imagining you were walking down a flight of stairs, you take a step and step on air, a small gold rings flash around the spot where you step. You continue doing this till you're finally on the ground.

From you corner of your eye you could see a dragon flying over the whispering woods.

"Stormterror... looks like the traveler just started their journey... I've read enough fanfiction to know that I really shouldn't make myself part of the story but... I really want to.."

Spoiler, you did.

By the time you arrived, the traveler had already met Amber and was slowly making his way to mondstadt city. Last minute, you cane to your senses and decided to not make yourself apart of the story. Just incase... but, you got unlucky and Paimon noticed you

"Hey! Look at that person! Isn't their outfit kinda of... godlike?"
Her voice was high pitched but not as much as you're used to in late game

The traveler nods

"If you want to talk about a person behind their back, atleast do it quietly."
You turn around and cross your arms before walking towards them

"Oh.. haha... um.. Paimon's sorry!"
Paimon waved her hands around as she awkwardly apologized to you

"It's alright. I won't take it to heart. My names Y/n, by the way."
You put a hand over your chest as you introduce yourself

"Oh! Well, my names Paimon! And this is the traveler!"
She introduced both of them

You raise an eyebrow

'Since there's no player to pick his name, will he only be referred to as traveler, Not Aether?' You thought to yourself

"Yeah! He'd rather not say his real name."
Paimon put her hands to her hips

"Ah, that makes sense."
You give a slight nod

"Well, I'm sure I'll see you guys around. Have fun on your adventures."
You wave goodbye then walk off

After walking into the whispering woods, you started to wonder what you could do as the herrscher of the void. You already knew you could walk on air, but what else? Could you make portals? Summon honkai beasts? What where the limits? Could you do all the things HoV could do in final lesson? Maybe you could try.... but where's the fun in that? I'm sure you'll figure it out in time.


Sorry this is short... I started this and gave up half way. I don't know if I'll ever decide to continue it tbh

{ Why me... } Reincarnated Fem! Y/n in genshin (yandere) (Yuri)Where stories live. Discover now