Chapter 0: Prologue

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Hello everyone, I'm going to take a few moments to explain the type of story you're going to read here.
This story is based on the concept of "What if", where I will try to recreate the story of the manga "Akame Ga Kill" by adding the presence of Kumagawa Misogi
(from the manga "Medaka Box").
My goal is for this story to be autonomous (that it can be read and understood even by someone who has not seen/read one or the other of the two works that compose it).
As for information on the universe of "Akame Ga Kill", I don't have much to indicate before the first chapter since this rewrite begins at the same time as the first chapter of the original manga..
However, for Kumagawa, I will base myself on all the information we have about him (whether in "Medaka Box" or in Kumagawa's novel) by explaining the allusions to the Medaka Box manga in the story itself.
I apologize if some moments seem copied/pasted from the
"Akame Ga Kill" manga (especially the first chapter, which in my opinion is at least 50% copied/pasted).
But given the type of this story
("What if"), I will change only things that are related to the presence of Kumagawa (either by his presence itself or by a change made earlier in the story by the presence of Kumagawa).
Finally, I will conclude by specifying that in terms of personality, this version of Kumagawa will appear slightly different from the Kumagawa found in many fanfictions (In most fanfictions I've read, Kumagawa is portrayed as some kind of monster without humanity who kills people for a yes or a no).
Personally, based on the information given during the manga
"Medaka Box", I don't think that Kumagawa is such a dichotomous character.
From my point of view, he is even one of the most humane characters (in the sense of being closest to the moral complexity of a human) in the manga "Medaka Box" (as evidenced by many actions/statements made throughout the work).
Of course, I'm open to debate if you consider my vision of the character to be wrong.
In any case, I thanks those who will read this story and wish them a pleasant reading experience. ^^

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