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As Katsuki let out a squeak, Izuku simply smiled as he watched Katsuki's every move as he left the room. He was blushing as he watched the blonde struggling to get to the door and getting spooked by it so much he had visibly flinched and squeaked.   "How adorable~" he purred to himself once the blonde was gone.

For now, Izuku didnt have to think about offing any girls that came near his Katsuki,  but he would still try to keep them at a distance from him.
Now he faced a new problem. He had to make sure and remove whatever guy had wooed the young man he adored.

Katsuki left the classroom as he ran up to kirishima and hugged him which was not what happens everyday and kirishima didn't know what to say and he looked down as katsuki as katsuki covered his face in kirishimas shoulder „I- Deku's acting really strange and h-his eye color changed!"
He sounded frightened as he snuggled up to kirishima and didn't dare to let go but then he saw izuku getting out from the empty classroom as well so he immediantly got off kirishima and dragged kirishima away while holding his hand and started to walk towards my dorm as he looks at kirishima and whispers
„Act like nothing happened. We gotta get away from izuku for now"

Katsuki didn't know what to do or how to react to izuku acting strange so he decided to ask kirishima for advice while still trying to look tough
as he dragged kirishima inside his dorm and closed the door shut before locking it and letting out a sigh while Izuku was making his way out of the classroom after straightening himself up a bit. His eyecolor changed back to normal and he wore his normal friendly smile. He looked around for Kacchan and was disappointed to see he had left the hall now. "Darn, I wanted to walk with him. That's okay, gives me more time to help clean his locker~" he chimed,  humming softly to himself as he walked over to Katsuki's locker. He had memorized the blonde's locker combo a long time ago and quickly opening it. He started carrying out the many letters and chucking them in the trash can nearby. He didn't see any from any males, then again, he hadnt really looked through them, just picked up handfuls and threw then away. His Kacchan had no need for such clutter anyways. He thought with a happy smile.

Making sure nobody was watching, he also installed a hidden camera in a small corner of Bakugo's locker. "Now I can look at your beautiful face whenever you get in here, Kacchan ~"

Katsuki looked at kirishima and made him sit down on the bed before sitting down next to him and starting to cling on him then bursting in tears and starting to explain what happened as kirishima pat bakugou's head before he finished explaing kirishima was furious that his bestfriend got hurt and that his wrist nearly bleed so he made katsuki lay down and covered him with a blanket before making sure that all the windows and doors to are locked before opening the balcony door and jumping to his dorm as katsuki stayed under the blanket and clinged onto the pillow and rested his head as he cried and let it all out finally.

Katsuki alyways acted tough in public because of how everybody was rude to him, that was until high school where katsuki started to bully izuku but not because he wanted to or he hated izuku. He bullied him because otherwise izuku would get beaten up twice much by katsuki's fake friends that why bakugou didn't like to bully izuku and he just said rude words to him or showed as he wasn't interested but now.
Katsuki was laying in his bed questioning his love for izuku and admiration.

Izuku finished 'cleaning' Katsuki's locker and grabbed his own things before heading down to his dorm. His room was directly beneath Katsuki's on the first floor.

He walked in and set his stuff down. He put his things away neatly. Almost too neatly in fact. If Katsuki was serious about keeping things clean, Izuku was religious about it. There wasnt a single speck of dust out of place it was so clean.

All Might posters adorned his walls and figurines his shelves. However, Izuku ignored this and walked over to his closet. Moving his clothes aside, he kneeled on a small cushion before an array of photos. Photos, of Katsuki. These pictures weren't your typical school photos, tho those were there as well. These photos had all been taken by Izuku himself.

He grinned wide, blushing softly. "So beautiful..my Kacchan~" he purred, picking up a framed photo of the blonde shirtless in the locker room. He pressed his lips slowly and softly to the photo before setting it back down carefully. "Soon, my love, soon..I just need to get rid of the pests~" he said before pulling out his laptop and getting fully inside the closet, closing the door.

Getting comfortable, Izuku turned on the laptop and accessed a camera app. Once his app was opened, Izuku was able to see inside a room. A certain blonde's room.
He smiled and blushed bright red. "Awww, Kacchan's sleeping! How adorable~" he purred as he watched the blonde sleep for what felt like a few minutes, but had been hours.

Eventually Izuku grew tired and closed the laptop. Exiting his closet and tucking everything away, he gets in bed with a photo of the blonde in hand. As he lay there staring at it, he couldnt help but feel aroused.
Izuku rubbed himself while staring at the photo, imagining that Katsuki was doing the rubbing, and eventually came before passing out, feeling mildly satisfied.

The next morning as the sun was rising for the new day to come.
Katsuki woke up and being sleepy he rubbed his eyes before starting to make his bed then he walked towards the bathroom as he noticed a strange device in the broken corner of the mirror but ignored it as he didn't realise that's another camera.

As katsuki got ready his phone rang and he picked it up and noticed that kirishima is calling him which shocked katsuki since it was pretty early but he answered the phone as he giggled from kirishimas morning voice then he sat down on his bed and started to talk to kirishima with a smile which was pretty rare and not what happens everyday.

He hasn't realised that izuku had cameras around the room or the locker and that was katsuki's mistake

Izuku woke up at the exact same time as Katsuki. He had the blonde's morning routine memorized now. He hurried to his closet after using the restroom to check his laptop.
The greenette had planted hidden cameras in Katsuki's room ages ago, watching him every morning and every evening.

As he opened the app, he couldnt help but smile as he waited for Katsuki to show I'm the bathroom mirror. Sure enough, right on time, Katsuki was in the mirror view, washing his face, when the blonde's phone rings.
"Someone's calling Kacchan? But it's so early.." he mumbled to himself, confused and mildly surprised.

Izuku listens to Katsuki answer the phone and he felt his blood begin to boil again. It was Kirishima. He was making the blonde laugh and smile so genuinely! While he was adorable, Izuku just couldnt even appreciate it, let alone be happy for the blonde. He had to set his laptop down for fear of shattering it.

Bursting from his closet, Izuku was raging. His eyes had turned red now. "He can't make him smile..only I can do that! I'm the only one for Kacchan!" He growled, panting hard. He needed to hit something, do SOMETHING, or else he might just blow a hole in the wall! He walked out his sliding glass door loud enough his neighbors above him and surrounding him could hear. He was grumbling and muttering furiously. His hands fidgeted I'm front of him as he itched to do something, looking around, he spotted a tree and approached it.

Izuku began punching the bark of the tree. With each punch, he grew more angry, more violent. His knuckles were bleeding, but he pushed through. He punched and growled and began yelling with every punch.

By now he was creating a sizable dent in the tree, holding back his power stone didn't knock it over, not yet anyways.

Many people looked at izuku in shock as they informed some teachers and all might as kirishima hears the noise and looked out and the news hit him too and he immediantly told katsuki what has happened.

Katsuki was suprised and wondered what made izuku rage so much as he ran outside and holds izuku close with tears in his eyes and looked at deku's hands that are bleeding.

„Izuku?! Have you lost your mind! What's wrong with you"
Katsuki said that to izuku with the worry in his eyes as others looked at both of them and started to whisper and katsuki felt bad for izuku to be in more stress and rage right now so he dragged izuku away to the bathroom as he hold his hand and rubbed his back

„Explain yourself izuku.."

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