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"I don't understand why you've treated me the way you do all this time, if you actually care about me...it just doesnt make sense to me.." he muttered, looking up into Katsuki's sharp, piercing red gaze.

„I never really felt hate to you.. remember my highschool friends? Well.. in reality they used me.. i had a choice or to bully you or to leave you alone and then they would bully you twice much... that's why i decided to be rude and i tried not to hit you so i just said mean words... until they whispered in my ear to tell you to jump off... im so glad you are alive still and didn't listen to me but now you atleast know all the things i did to you and the meaning.. but all this time i really cared for you and I-.." katsuki then struggled to confess his feeling as his cheeks turned a bit pinkish red and he looked down

Izuku listened carefully, his eyes widening slightly as he listened. He turned away slightly when Katsuki mentioned the roof. "Oh..I nearly forgot about that...i... I came close to doing it that day....I actually ended up on a rooftop...with...All-well, somebody, and after pretty much crushing my dreams further...I was left alone on the roof. I walked over to the edge and looked down. Your ears rang in my head then. Telling me to jump, over and over and over...but I couldnt. And I spent so long feeling like a coward. Shortly after that I helped save you from that stupid sludge monster..." he confessed, seeming sad from the memory.

Izuku was curious why Katsuki was blushing tho when he seemed to be struggling to tell Izuku something.

Katsuki gulped as he realized what he has done to izuku as he then looked away and started to rewind those memory's once again then he looked at izuku
„You could have let me die.. after all that i have done to you... you did save me from the sludge monster but at what cost? Did it really matter..? Did i even matter back then..?" His Tears starts forming in the corner of his eyes and looks away as wipes then off as fast as possible and sniffs

„I should go get aizawa sensei to see your wound and for him to help you..-„

(Btw {..} is for thinking)

{I was a total jerk.. i loved izuku ever since we were friends but then i was told to bully him otherwise they would beat him up.. i deserved those beatings and now i am keeping my feelings to myself only... i can't confess my love that easy to him.}

Izuku gripped Katsuki's wrist firmly, but not enough to hurt him this time and pulled him right back down on the bed.

"I...Kacchan, I already told you the day I saved you that I couldnt just stand by and let you die. I don't care what those assholes did to me, but they should've left you out of it. I never resented you for it, I was sad at first, yes, but, I actually...kind of..grew to liking it..." he admitted with a blush illuminating his freckled cheeks softly.

"If I could go back, I wouldn't change a thing...i... I like who you are, whether you act mean or are secretly sweet..." he swallowed a nervous ljmo in his throat before looking Katsuki directly in the eye, his own emerald hues shimmering with determination and admiration. "I guess what I'm saying is...I like you Kacchan...I always have....and if you dont like me back that way, that's fine, I'll find a way to steal your calloused heart away~" he confesses, his eye color changing to a loving purple mixed with his usual emerald green.

As katsuki felt his wrist being hold he was made to lay down back on the bed as he looked then at izuku and listened to his words carefully until izuku said that he liked him back and then became a blushing mess before noticing izuku's eye color change and deciding to finally confess to izuku
„i-.. I like you too izuku and um.. i might have liked you since we were little kids, i've alyways secretly cared for you and about that situation that happened with the girl that confessed to me and i told her that i like somebody else already..."
Katsuki then gulped as he moved his head to the side
„I meant that im in love with you and nobody else" Izuku's eyes widened again as he listend to Katsuki speak. He liked him?? For real?! He almost couldnt believe it.

"Really..? What about..Kirishima..?" He had the force himself to say the redheads name, it felt like dirt on his tongue, he still hated him.

„Shitty hair is my best buddy, we are no more than friends and he has some good jokes" Katsuki looked at izuku and leaned closer
„Is somebody jealous~?"

Izuku looked away, flushing a bright red. He sat up a bit and hugged his knees looking at one of his bandaged hands. "Something like that...sigh...does he really have to be your friend, Kacchan..? I mean, arent I enough for you?" His eyes were just barely flickering a reddish color. „Izuku, he's my friend and i can't do that to him and you know that i love you"
Katsuki looked at izuku and noticed his eyes changing color and him hugging his knees „do you wanna talk about it?"

"But I can be both!! You dont NEED him!" He growled, eyes flickering a bit more prominently now. He turns his head away frustratedly. "No..." he mumbled as he calmed down a tiny bit.
„Izuku, what's up with you lately.. you been acting agressive and like an yandere" Katsuki asked before leaning closer to izuku and hugging him "So what if I am, is that really such a bad thing?" He pouted as he was hugged, grumbling

„Well if you plan on killing people then yes but otherwise its not bad"

"I haven't! At least not yet..." he protested before muttering the last part underneath his breath. He was already ready to kill anolyone who might get too close to his Kacchan.
Katsuki's eyes widened as he heard izuku say the last part
„Izuku, if you do that then they will think you're a villain and would kick you out of U.A or send police after you!"
"Peh, nothing and no one could keep me from you, Kacchan. I mean that~" he purred softly, inching closer to the blonde now with a lidded smile.

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