Laughing (3)

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"Ow! Fuck! Ow!"

Miles' arms cushion his fall as he wriggles through Aaron's window and collapses on the rug below, trying to catch his breath. He feels bruised and broken—never mind, he is bruised and broken.

Things had taken an unfortunate turn during tonight's operation—as vigilant as they were when it came to monitoring Wilson Fisk, there are still other nefarious individuals in need of retribution.

While grounded, Miles repositions himself with a grunt, intent on unfastening the grappling hook belt that encircles his waist.

God, he is so tired.

He needs a shower, some food and...even a hug from his mom.

He swears he'll be straight afterwards if he could just have those three things in that exact order.

"Aye, Miles! You good, man?" his uncle's voice carries from outside the window, sounding a bit distant as he also races up the fire escape in a hurry. A few moments later, the older man, too, manages to squeeze through the slender window frame, causing Miles to quickly roll away to avoid a collision.

"Yeah," Miles coughs out, his breathing still erratic. "I'm good."

Aaron heads to the bathroom, intent on cleansing himself of the grime and blood they've accumulated throughout the night.

Meanwhile, Miles typically prefers showering in the familiarity of his own bathroom. As a result, he chooses to care for his injuries instead—disinfecting every cut and scrape and meticulously applying bandages.

His mask is already off, and he proceeds to peel off the black tank top that clings to his body like a second skin due to his sweat.

Nonchalantly, he flings it to the side, making a mental note not to leave it behind, and proceeds to sift through the first aid kit that both him and his uncle share. It looks like their supply of rubbing alcohol is running low.

He diligently cares for his injuries, his brows furrowing in deep concentration.

He's so absorbed in his task that he nearly overlooks the fact that he's not alone. Only the faint sound of rippling water draws his attention, and he's slightly startled when he finds Ekko's intense gaze already fixed on him.

As usual, the siren's face reveals nothing, his features carefully devoid of emotion. Miles briefly entertains the idea that it's probably a deliberate defense mechanism of his. While he can't be certain of the extent of the siren's intelligence, his recent observations suggest that Ekko might be perfectly aware of every decision he makes.

"Got into a fight with some bad guys," Miles explains vaguely, though he can't fathom why he's sharing this detail since he doubts Ekko would even care.

And he's right.

Ekko's reaction is an eye roll followed by him turning his blonde head out of sight again.

Miles seriously wants to know what his deal is.

"Have you ate anything, yet?" his speech races ahead of his thoughts, and he becomes increasingly vexed with his own incoherent babbling. He can't quite pinpoint if it's the remaining nervous energy from the chaotic night he's had, but he just has an inexplicable urge to release pent-up energy.

Ekko continues to ignore him.

Miles keeps talking anyways.

"I still need to finish my pre-calc homework, I've still got half a page left to do," he mumbles while patching up a cut right underneath his eye.

Siren's Web: Prowler's Pursuit of Legends (Ekko x 42! Miles Morales)Where stories live. Discover now