If It Was Ichika

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Futaro: Ah!

He moves to the side as Ichika slides past him. He looked in her eyes. They were sharp. She went into the hallway.

Futaro: I-Ichika- ah.

He turned to say something, but so did she.

Ichika: Futaro. . . . I . . I have to go.

She looked at him. He looked at her. Her mouth opened, but he was quicker.

Futaro: Go.

She nods, turning and jogging outside. She dials something down on her phone.

Manager: Nakano? Is something wrong?

Ichika: Manager!!! You said I have a offer for a Tokyo shoot right?!?!

Manager: Oh, yes. I wrote down you wouldn't ta-

Ichika: I Changed My Mind!!! Pick Me Up In Front Of My School!!!

Manager: Wait wait wait, the gig isn't till 4 days, there's no need to go-

Ichika: NOW MANAGER!!!!

Manager: OK!!! I'm, probably 10 minutes away.

Ichika: Faster!

Manager: Ichika, I can't just speed down the roads!

Ichika: Manager! . . . please. . .

Manager: O-Ok. I'm coming, sit tight!

* * *

Ichika sat in the back seat of her Managers car. Her hands fidgeted with her phone, rubbing her finger up and down the side of it. Her foot tapped up and down, bouncing her bag up and down.

Ichika Thinking: Please be ok, Please be ok, Please be ok, Please be ok, Please be ok!

She's seen Akira during the winter when Futaro and him quit tutoring. She knew something was wrong. She also knows how he gets with his studies. When he had to use her office as a silent space, how the bags under his eyes grew, and how he wouldn't take no for an answer. But, she got through to him.

* * *

Ichika: You know, I don't mind you using my to study and all, but, you need a break.

Akira: I already told you, I need to get-

Ichika: Again I already know what's on the line, but when you will be burnt out. I'd rather you relax and pass then break yourself.

Akira picks up his book and closes it.

Akira: Alright. . . . . .

It was quiet.

Akira: Well what now?

Ichika: I didn't plan that far ahead.

Akira: Then I'll get back to studying.

Ichika: Wait Wait Wait!! How about we take a walk around the set!!! I can show you around, and maybe get something to eat ya know!?

Akira leaned on his arm, and reluctantly got up. Ichika smiled as she led out the room and into the hall.

The show she's working on now has a bit more of a budget from her last ones, seeing that they gave her a room to work on makeup. That means they don't have a makeup team but Ichika has already gotten good enough at it so she didn't mind. The whole set was inside, which is different since she was used to working outside or in real shops. The set itself was well made. She couldn't tell you how everything was done, but she's just an actor so she doesn't really need to know.

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