Chapter Two - More Than a Smile

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         I sat on the edge of the bed, observing Rory as she peacefully slept. It amazed me how well she handled the pain while I tended to her wounds. There wasn't even a hint of discomfort on her face. If she was experiencing any pain, she was determined not to show it.

Cathy interrupted my thoughts, looking up from her writing. "How long do you think it will take for her to recover this time?" she asked.

"At least a few weeks," I responded. "Considering the amount of blood she lost, I wouldn't be surprised if she's out of commission for a month."

Cathy chuckled, "Good luck conveying that to her. She'd rather suffer than be confined to a bed."

I smiled, knowing that Rory's stubbornness would prevail. I turned to face Cathy, who seemed deeply engrossed in her writing. She had been at it for hours, her eyes never straying from the page unless someone spoke to her.

Just then, the bedroom door flung open, causing all of us to jump in surprise.

"What the bloody hell happened?" Norine exclaimed, rushing over to Rory's side.

"Just a little scuffle," Cathy replied casually. "Nothing too serious."

Norine's voice rose in anger, "Nothing serious? Look at her! It looks pretty serious to me!"

"She's still breathing, sister," I interjected, attempting to calm the situation. "We should be grateful for that."

"How could you let this happen?!" Norine demanded, turning her fury towards Cathy and snatching the paper from her hand.

Cathy looked up at Norine, her expression one of surprise. "Me? How is this my fault?"

"You were with her, weren't you?" Norine challenged, crossing her arms.

"Yes, but I can't control the trouble Rory decides to get into," Cathy argued. "I just offer some backup."

Norine responded sarcastically, "And what a fantastic job you did."

"You know just as well as I do that once Rory has made up her mind, there's no changing it," Cathy explained. "I did everything I could."

Norine snapped back, her voice filled with frustration. "You've been nothing but trouble since you arrived here. Encouraging her bad habits, supporting her in all her reckless ventures."

Cathy scoffed, clearly defensive. "Do you think I would let her go alone? If I hadn't been there, she would have been dead in the water."

Upon hearing this, Norine's anger boiled over. She grabbed Cathy by the collar of her shirt and spoke through gritted teeth. "Listen to me carefully. If I EVER see Rory in that state again, I will kill you."

I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. Norine was usually the calm and composed one, the voice of reason. But here, in this very moment, she seemed unrecognizable, consumed by rage. It was truly a shocking sight to behold.

"Do you understand?" Norine asked, her voice slowly rising.

Cathy looked at Norine with wide eyes as she responded, "I understand."

"Good." Norine replied before letting go of Cathy's shirt.

          Clearly stunned, Cathy backed away from Norine. I sent a small smile to Cathy as I spoke, "Cathy, would you mind grabbing some more bandages? I need to re-dress some of the wounds."

          Cathy nodded frantically before disappearing out the door.

          "What was that?" I asked Norine, my tone stern.

          "Please Veda, not now." She griped, taking a seat in the chair that Cathy once inhabited.

          "Cathy is a sweet girl, she did not deserve that." I argued.

          "She's been nothing, but trouble."

          "Trouble?!" I raised my voice a bit, "Rory has been trouble. Cathy has just been keeping an eye on her."

          "Obviously not." Norine rolled her eyes.

          "What has happened to you?" I asked, "You used to be the mediator, now you're just as bad as Davina."

          Norine did not respond, instead, she just sat there in silence.

          "Guys!" Davina yelled from the other room, "You better get out here."

          Norine and I shared a confused look as we abruptly stood and walked out of the room.

          I felt my heart stop as soon as we opened the door. I always thought that seeing them again would bring so much joy, that I would be bursting at the seams. However, something about their expressions told me this was no joyous visit.

          "Jack Sparrow!" Tia Dalma said excitingly, "I always knew the wind was going to blow you back to me one day."

          She smiled brightly at Jack, before she caught a glance as Will.

          "You." She said as she began to approach him, "You have a touch of destiny about you, William Turner."

          Completely confused, I turned to whisper to Norine, "What is happening?"

          "I've no idea." She whispered back.

          "You know me?" Will ask, confused as the rest of us.

          Tia responded with a sly smile, "Do you want to know me?"

          "There'll be no knowing here," Jack interrupted quickly.

          "Why the bloody hell not?" A familiar female voice called from the door.

          As the figure approached, I felt my heart swell. There she stood, my oldest sister. Her arms crossed as she glared at her husband.

          "I'm just protecting the young lads virtues," Jack said, sliding my sister a smile, "For the sake of Elizabeth."

          "And who is this?" Tia asked, crossing her arms.

          "Ace Sparrow," Ace introduced, "Jack's wife."

          "Ah," Tia sighed, "Another Barbossa."

          Ace and Tia began to stare each other down, as if to stake their claim on Jack.

         "We've come for help," Jack interrupted, And we're not leaving without it."

          "How typical," Davina snorted, "You needing help."

          "Davina." Ace scolded.

          I could not put into words how shocked I was. One word and Davina immediately silenced herself and straightened her posture.

          "Come," Tia shouted, leading Will to a chair at the dining table.

          Will sat down comfortably and looked up at Tia. Tia began to run her fingers along his face with a smile, "What service may I do you."

          Tia's smile died quickly as she looked up at Jack, "You know I demand payment."

          "Is this how it worked for you?" Norine whispered.

          "What do you mean?" I asked as Tia and Jack began to discuss payment.

          "I mean back on the ship," Norine explained, "When you had all of those marines."

          I looked at Norine with an amused smile, "Trust me,  I got more than a smile out of those men."

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