OS #2: Can't Live Without You

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Minutes turned into hours as Farjaad paced around the waiting room of Karachi Hospital. He felt the whole world collapsing upon him. The last 7 hours were undoubtedly the most agonizing hours of his life. His father had also gotten into a horrific car accident and was admitted to the intensive care unit for three whole days before he passed away, leaving behind his champ with whom he would watch football games every weekend. His precious baby girl, who would always kiss him on the cheek when she came back from school, and his wonderful wife, he would happily do anything for her without even asking why. His family was his safe haven, but that day his heaven collapsed and he could do nothing about it.

He simply had to accept it and he did. He really did. He completed his education, took care of his mother and sister, restarted his father's business, and took the business world by storm. Although he had fulfilled the promise that he had made to his father very well. He wasn't keen on living anymore, but he knew that it's important to live a little for those who only live for you. But, fate is a fickle thing, and is always out to surprise you.

Only, this time his fate had blessed him and he was grateful that he had accepted it with open arms. Umeed. His life's only purpose. She had healed all his wounds with her love. Filled his life with so much sunshine, rainbows, and all the happy things. The person who had shown him the difference between living and surviving was now the very one struggling to survive.

Sweat was forming on his forehead and he was constantly rubbing his hands together and whispering "Umeed cannot leave me like Baba did, She can't. I won't let her."

Nighat noticed her distraught son and almost ran over to him. She worriedly stood, turning his face around she cupped his face in her hands "Farjaad? Farjaad? Beta please look at me "Nothing will happen to Umeed, you out of all people should know how strong she is. Yes, she was a victim of a very gruesome accident, but I know she will come out of this like the fighter she is. Please don't give up like this beta."

Farjaad was a sobbing mess now, he felt his throat closing up. Harshly wiping his tears he wrapped his arms around his mother and in between hiccups he kept repeating the same things.

"Maa Umeed will come back to me, right? She's so clumsy, doesn't take care of her diet, and the only thing she can make is chai, how can she live alone? I know she can't. At least tell her to take her with me, she'll listen to you. I promise I won't go to any meetings anymore, will call all my clients to my house, and... and I will also...

Nighat knew Farjaad was not in his senses anymore, the thought of losing Umeed was making him hysteric and she needed to stop this. Quickly coming out of his embrace she made him look at her. "Farjaad, listen to me very carefully, you cannot lose your hope so quickly, many years ago I didn't and I won't let you either. Fate is cruel. But not so cruel to snatch a person's whole world twice in one-lifetime son."

Farjaad looked at his mom and slightly nodded his head, letting her know that he was doing better than before. But he was lying because Farjaad Khan Bahadur was never the person to burden someone else with his emotional baggage. He could never share his innermost feelings with anyone without feeling like a burden. That is anyone except Umeed, but she wasn't just anyone. She was his everything. The centre of his universe. The rainbow in his grey life. The calm to his chaos and the healer of his heart. He could bottle up her laugh and listen to it for an entire lifetime without getting tired. That's who Umeed was to Farjaad and it would always stay like this. He would make sure it did.

Two hours later, the OT lights were finally turned off and I saw a couple of doctors coming out. I quickly made my way towards them. "Doctor, how is Umeed doing now? She's fine right?"

"Mr. Khan, she has lost a lot of blood from external bleeds, we had to give her a blood transfusion, but unfortunately the impact of the accident was very severe and also resulted in a fractured rib cage. She will need to be put on complete bed rest and physiotherapy sessions for at least 6-8 weeks for a good recovery. You can meet her once she wakes up, and we can discuss the medication process later."

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