Chapter 679: A hunt in the middle of the night (2)

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Violan put down her teacup as she spoke.

Oooooo– oooooo–

The area was still shaking slightly from the vibrations of the magic circle, but Violan seemed calm.

"Between 7pm to 9pm last night... Nobody saw Vice Captain Hilsman for two hours."

Hilsman looked extremely anxious, as if he didn't know what to do.

"What is going on right now?! I was just having a late dinner, madam! I was at my place! You know that I live alone, madam!"

She quietly observed the anxious looking Vice Captain Hilsman.

Violan started to smile.

"I really must seem like a fool to you."

Inside this area that was surrounded by a circle...

Although the people inside couldn't tell what kind of spell was in it, the roaring mana made it possible to tell that it was extremely strong.

"At seven in the evening yesterday... Sir Hilsman left, saying that he would go home for a bit. And... At exactly 9 pm... You walked into the Lord's Castle."

"I am that Hilsman!"

He sounded as if he truly felt wronged. He also sounded as if he had no idea as to what was going on. His expression seemed real.

"Madam, you are suspecting me because nobody saw me for two hours?! How can you be so sure? Seeing me going into the house or lighting a fire to cook... I'm sure that someone must have seen me. How can you be so sure that nobody saw me during that time? This is not like your usual rational self, Violan-nim."

"Then let me ask you a question."

Violan picked up her teacup as she asked.

"Sir Hilsman. What did I promise to do for you if you became Captain? Do you remember our deal?"

Her eyes were slowly starting to glow blue.

"You better remember it. Otherwise, you will be suppressed by mana until you explode to death."

All emotion disappeared from Hilsman's face.


He let out a short sigh. He then shook his head side to side.

His body leaned back into the chair as if he was slumping over.

Finally, he looked toward Duchess Violan.

"There is nothing."


The Duchess's pupils started shaking.

On the other hand, Hilsman's eyes were very still.

"There was no deal whatsoever."

His voice was full of confidence, as if he was telling the truth.

"Madam, someone like you, who cares so much about the Henituse territory and the family, someone who values elegance so much, making a deal with me?"

He shook his head as if it made no sense.

"The Duchess, no, the Deputy Territory Lord would never make a deal with someone over something like the territory's Knight Captain position. It's not like you wish for young master Basen or young lady Lily to become the territory lord. You wish for the Henituse territory's administration and troops to be maintained in a clean manner more than anybody else."

Violan's mouth opened.

"Yes...I do wish for that."

Hilsman did not say anything else.

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