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In a world where might dictated everything, my fate would be sealed if I were to be apprehended and subjected to unspeakable horrors. No one would intervene on my behalf. Why? Because I was weak, incapable of protecting myself.

Expecting sympathy from my fellow otherworlders was a futile hope.

Let's face it, nations in this world often regarded them as military assets, directly under their control. In many cases, they were coerced into servitude, whether by choice or by force. This was the harsh reality.

In this world as well, there was no such thing as a selfless act of kindness. Every gesture of goodwill concealed ulterior motives. Behind every offer of help lay a hidden agenda, and if you couldn't further their objectives, you'd quickly find yourself cast aside by the very benefactors who had extended their assistance.

As they say, "There's no such thing as a free lunch." And I was wise enough to avoid falling for such illusions.

Hence, instead of recklessly exposing myself to these potential threats, I devised a more elaborate strategy. My plan was to establish a place that seamlessly integrated my modern ideas with this world's culture, economy, and various other aspects. By doing so, I would create trends from my world, arousing the curiosity of my fellow otherworlders. They would naturally flock here to relive the long-forgotten environment of the world they had once called home. Nostalgia possessed a profound and irresistible allure, especially when timed and deployed strategically.

However, I won't deny that this approach might carry risks comparable, or even possibly more, to venturing into foreign lands and risking capture.

But, let's be realistic. Could anyone, who had experienced the comforts of 21st-century life, truly adapt to a world devoid even of something as basic as toilet paper?

It was an impossible transition that will take an unbelievable amount of time and not everyone could adapt freely into a new environment, let alone a new world, without some level of struggle.

I was merely striving to carve out a comfortable existence while pursuing my goals—a strategy akin to striking two prey animals with a single arrow.

Nevertheless, the world was far from accommodating. What I aimed to achieve might be considered taboo in this realm, and the likelihood of neighboring countries attempting to not only thwart and sabotage my ambitions but also eliminate all the entities in this region for the sake of it, was alarmingly high.

As I mentioned from the beginning, ideals without power are meaningless, and power without ideals are just shallow.

I'm not particularly fond of combat, and I detest needless bloodshed. I aim to avoid conflict whenever possible, not solely because of my personal preferences, but also because now there are beings who may bear the consequences of every word I utter and every action I take. Therefore, I must tread this narrow and treacherous path with utmost care.

But, I am more than resolved to move forward.

To reach even the highest peak, one must take that first initial step. In this case, my first step is establishing this village as we embark on our journey to conquer the tallest mountain that is this world.

And To achieve this, I need individuals who will unhesitatingly follow me on this challenging path. I already have one such individual who follows me without question, trusting me implicitly with unwavering faith.

I am determined not to disappoint him further, and for this adventure of ours, we require more comrades, who can share our unwavering commitment and beliefs.

We need Allies.

Reincarnation with Rimuru from TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now