Trial & Hero-King

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Just as I was enjoying the time of my short life, surrounded by the long-awaited beauties known as Elves, a certain evil minister named Vesta arrived at the pub and started to harass me.

He even went so far as to pour alcohol on me while I was on the lap of one of the beautiful elves.

Why was he doing this?

Simply because I was a slime, an inferior species, a monster. And most likely because I was with Kaijin as well.


I couldn't help but imagine a certain blob slime with seething rage exuding from his body.

If Hiiro had been by my side at this moment, he would've chopped this despicable individual into so many pieces that nobody would've been able to find a trace of his existence.

And, Nobody, including me, could've stopped him from doing so.

But I couldn't have blame him even if he were to do so, because just seeing this guy's face made me so irritated, that I wanted to punch him with all my might.

Calm down.. I can't make any trouble right now.

I was in a very similar mood to what Hiiro might have done right now, but I had to restrain myself.

If some random average guy, came up to me and did that, he would've been dead whether somebody liked it or not but that was not the case right now.

And not because I was weak or anything, okay?

I was still capable of razing this place along with this shitface.

As infuriating as Vesta's behavior was, he was still a minister of this nation.

Using force on someone of his position would likely lead to a confrontation with the King, which I wanted to avoid at all costs.

Now wasn't the time.

However, it seemed I forgot to communicate this to Kaijin.

Kaijin, furious at Vesta's actions and words towards me, his benefactor, couldn't contain his anger and ended up punching and beating him to a pulp.

Inwardly, I thought, "Well, looks like I'm headed back to prison, huh."

But now that the deed was done, I decided to make the most of it. I encouraged Kaijin as best I could, instructing him on where to hit and which areas to avoid.

It was strangely satisfying to watch, if I do say so myself.

And as expected, a few hours later, Kaijin, the three dwarf brothers, and I found ourselves in the same prison where I had been earlier that day when I arrived in the nation.

Only this time, I wouldn't stay there for long. Instead, I was headed to a place even worse—the trial with the King himself presiding over it.

Vesta, now wrapped in an unbelievable number of bandages, was portraying himself as the victim, claiming that he had been beaten nearly to death.

The audacity of this man!

I mean, While Kaijin did hit him, we never went to the extreme or had the chance because the girls from the pub intervened and stopped him before any serious harm could be done.

So, why was Vesta trying to paint himself as the victim? I had no idea, but it would become clear soon enough.

It turned out that Vesta sought attention and pity from the King.

He had framed Kaijin for a failed project he was in charge of, leading to Kaijin's resignation from the military.

The King held Kaijin in high regard and wanted him back in the military, even now. This was the source of Vesta's anger and jealousy towards Kaijin, despite Kaijin having no intention of returning to his former position.

Just Kaijin's presence in the country was enough to enrage Vesta.

No wonder Kaijin had readily accepted my request. He wanted to escape from this place as well.

I could see Vesta's hatred and envy towards him from a mile away, and he made his feelings abundantly clear during the partially rigged trial.

The person who was supposed to defend us openly sided with Vesta, making it appear as though we had ambushed and attacked Vesta in a back alley while he was innocently returning home after a drink.

I mean, seriously, look at this guy's performance.

It was hard to hold back my laughter.

Were those tears he was shedding? More like crocodile tears.

I couldn't help but find Vesta's theatrics amusing. The trial eventually concluded, and we were declared as the culprits.

We didn't resist or offer any defense; we simply waited for our sentence. It came in the form of twenty or so years of hard labor in the mines.

However, if things had gotten too dire or still might, I wouldn't have hesitated to escape from this place with the four of us in tow, using all my might.

So, I decided to let Vesta have his moment without causing a commotion.

He was grinning at us as if he had won a great victory, but there was an unusual twist.

The King suddenly addressed Kaijin and even inquired whether he had any intention of returning to his former military position, leaving Vesta utterly bewildered.

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