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Ah, that's right. Now I remember. It was Gobta. No wonder it had been strangely quiet.

Gobta was riding one of the Tempest Wolves and approaching us with tears in his eyes.

"It's not fair, Lord Rimuru. A bunch of scary soldiers showed up, and I nearly cried in front of them."

Gobta complained to me as soon as he got off the Tempest Wolf he was riding.

You are already crying though, I wanted retort back so badly.

But decided not to mention that when I saw his bloodshot eyes.

Ranga was trying to reprimand Gobta for speaking to me like that but it was kind of my fault, so I agreed to let it slide this time.

Ranga has been very quiet all this time. It seems he was sad to leave Hiiro as well. We will be back in the village in a few days, so a little more, Ranga.

Anyways, about this chatterbox.

What should I do about him?


"Jeez! Sorry... Tell you what—next time, I'll take you to a place packed with real hot babes."

"Really, you promise? You gotta swear it to me?"

"!? Um!.... Yeah..."



How simple-minded.

Given that we were banished and banned from entering the Dwargen Kingdom anytime soon, he'll be waiting for quite a while.

Well, it's his fault for not specifying the date and time clearly. So, let's move on—

Wait a minute.

Just now.....

He "rode" a Tempest Wolf to get back to us, but I'm pretty sure we didn't bring any wolves into the Dwargen Kingdom though.

So how did he...?

<Answer: Individual Gobta most likely used the skill: Shadow Movement and summoned his partnered Tempest Wolf from his Shadow.>

....Is that even possible?

...Damn! He might just be a genius, huh.

Well, his geniuses probably only shows up when he's desperately in need of it anyway because I'm sure if he knew or learned this kind of skill, he would've boasted about it for days on end.

But seeing how he hadn't done so now or even back in the village, it probably meant he just learned it very recently when he thought we had abandoned him there in the prison of Dwargon.

And if I'm correct, which I probably am, then he will most likely show off this skill to everyone in the village the moment we get there.

I need to learn that skill ASAP because I know he will get too smug and cocky about it and even try to make a fool out of me in front of others.

I knew how his brain worked better than him, so I just needed to show him that he wasn't a genius or a special guy so that he wouldn't get too high and would continue to work hard, just like the others at the village.

And Lucky for me, I had Great Sage, who was pretty much a cheat. So, it was pretty bad news for Gobta.

Now then...

Putting aside that matter, we were now ready to depart back to the village.

I told the dwarves to brace themselves and held the Tempest Wolves with all their might to make sure they didn't fall off in the middle of the way.

Can't have our precious slav-- Ahem! Guests. I mean, Our Guests as well as friends falling off and getting injured because we were too hasty, y'know.




Let's go back to the village.

Reincarnation with Rimuru from TensuraWhere stories live. Discover now