Healthy habits

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Hey guys,welcome back to my blog!Today we will talk about healthy habits!Lets start!

1.First one is to drink enough water.I know,i know if you are already into glowing up,and stuff like that,then you must heard that already multiple times.But it really important,and i will tell you why.So if you dont drink enough water you will easily loose your focus,wich is really bad and focus is important at glow up.Your skin will be so much more clear&hydrated.After all you will feel so much better,and energetized.Also lack of water can be a cause of headache.So go girl,and drink you water now.

2.Set a goal.Set goals for yourself,its doesn't matter if they just little goals.Ask yourself:What i want to achive in my life?What i want to achive in this year?Who i want be?What i want to be?And when you have the answers,work to achive them everyday!

3.Focus at class.its so important,and im promise you can talk with your friends at the break,but at the class you should focus.

4.Journal.Its such a good habit i really recommend it for you.You can reflect on your day,or tell your dairy if you are upset.Remember you can tell everything to your diary/journal.You can write list,wishlist,goals and things lika that

5.Listening to podcast.If you want to glow up listen to a podcast where they talking about glow up or things like that.Its also a productive thing you can do when youre bored,or when youre tired.

6.Find new hobbies.If you feel like youre always bored,and you want to do  something productive,then girl its the perfect time to find,or try out a new hobby.But also make sure to not dont have to much hobbies at once,its not good either.You can choose a hobby like learning a new language,reading,learning on any instrument,sports and things like that.

7.Eating healthy.I will tell you a secret now,that is so useful and if you will eat like that,you will be healthy,youre body can be more toned if you combine this eating plan with workouts,pilates,yoga,and you dont need to cut all of the sweets off.So its like,you eat healthy meals,but you eat sweets,chocho and things like that as a  snack.Like eating healthy 80% and eating  not that healthy 20%.

8.Meditate.Okay,so i will tell you now why is it so important.So there is 7 chackra.And if you open all them up with meditation,the good energy will flow freely.Maybe you will think that this is stupid,at first,but trust me on this one.You can use crystals too to your meditation.

9.Having a healthy mindset.I would say,this should be your first thing to fix,when you want to glow up.Your mindset.Having a healthy mindset is like having a great life.And just everything will be easier with a healthy,and powerful mindset.How to be unstoppable?Have the right mindset to it.Guys,please tell me in the comments,should the next part be about mindset?

Thanks,for reading it,it means so much to me!PLease could you press the like button,so i will know if you guys are like what im doing!I hope you enjoyed this part,see you next time!

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