Naruto vs Grimmjow

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(Continuation of my Naruto Cifer story from my other account Gareth1717)

At the hotsprings.
Jiraiya was giggling as he was watching the women take off their towels.

"I see you haven't learned your lesson yet."Naruto said he appeared next to him

Jiraiya was a little bit startled but he didn't fall like last time.

"What do you want kid." Jiraiya

"You have something that belongs to me. I want it." Naruto

"I have no clue what you are talking about." Jiraiya

"The key Jiraiya." Naruto

"He knows about the key. Did the Nine-Tails tell him." Jiraiya thought

"Naruto you can't trust the fox. It is only trying to fool you into helping it escape." Jiraiya

"The Nine-Tails knows it is safe with me(from the masked man). It also knows if it tries to betray me I will devour it." Naruto

"Devour the Nine-Tails. You can do that." Jiraiya

"I can also devour human souls." Naruto

"That's a dangerous ability." Jiraiya thought

''Kid if you want the key you will have to beat me in a fight." Jiraiya

Naruto accepts the fight. Naruto opens a Garganta and kicks Jiraiya through it.

In Hueco Mundo

Jiraiya looked around to see he was in a desert filled with monsters.

"What are these monsters." Jiraiya

"They are spiritual beings that are called hollows. They feed on humans souls. " Naruto said as he appeared

"Feed on human souls. Then that means you are also hollow." Jiraiya said shocked

"Yes I am." Naruto

When Grimmjow sensed Naruto he made his way to his location.

"Ulquiorra!" Grimmjow said before trying to slash Naruto

Naruto blocks the attack with his sword. As Naruto blocked sparks could be seen.

The two got into a heated sword fight. As their swords clashed flashes of green and blue could be seen.

"How are they so fast." Jiraiya said as he only could see green and blue blurs

The low ranking hollows made themselves scarce. Jiraiya distanced himself from the battle.

Grimmjow's flashed away from Naruto and a fired a cero at him. Naruto responded with a cero of his own. The ceros collided with each other before they exploded.

"Hahaha. I have been waiting for this moment. Grind Pantera" Grimmjow said before entering his release state

 Grind Pantera" Grimmjow said before entering his release state

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