Reaching New Hights

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Few days later
In the sprawling streets of Karakura Town, amidst the hum of everyday life, an unexpected reunion took place. Naruto met Ichigo.

Upon encountering each other, Ichigo's expression was one of disbelief and shock, his eyes wide as he stared at the figure he had once defeated.

"Can't believe you're actually here... I thought I...," Ichigo stammered, unable to finish his sentence, the memory of their battle lingering in his mind

Naruto used his Pesquisa on Ichigo. The results were startling. Ichigo’s strength had reached levels that Naruto could only describe as godly, a testament to the battles and trials Ichigo had faced.

The air was heavy with an awkward silence, punctuated only by the distant sounds of the town. Ichigo found it difficult to maintain eye contact, his gaze drifting away, burdened by the memory of their lethal encounter.

Naruto, sensed the hesitation and discomfort in Ichigo. Naruto chose to address the elephant in the room directly. "Ichigo, look at me," he said gently. As Ichigo's eyes met his, Naruto continued, "Don't feel bad about what happened. We’ve both had our share of death, right? Let's just call it even. I mean, it’s not like I didn’t give you a run for your money back then."

Ichigo, visibly relieved by Naruto's words and the nonchalant way he treated their past conflict, managed a small smile. "Yeah, you did," he admitted. "Thanks, Ulquiorra. I guess we've both come a long way since then."

Their conversation slowly shifted from the past to their present lives, discussing their growth, the paths they had chosen, and the peace each sought in their own way. This meeting, set against the backdrop of a town that had seen many battles, marked a new beginning in their acquaintance. No longer foes, but as friends who had survived their respective battles and grown stronger for it.

After a month of rigorous and unrelenting training in the harsh, desolate landscape of Hueco Mundo, Naruto achieved a breakthrough that no one had anticipated, not even himself. Pushed to the limits of his endurance and driven by a fierce determination to exceed any form of limitation, Naruto unlocked the Tercera Etapa, the third release of his power.

 Pushed to the limits of his endurance and driven by a fierce determination to exceed any form of limitation, Naruto unlocked the Tercera Etapa, the third release of his power

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This new state was not just an increment in power, it was a leap into a realm of strength that bordered on the transcendent. In Tercera Etapa, Naruto's already formidable abilities were amplified to extraordinary levels, surpassing the conventional boundaries of Hollow and Soul Reapers powers. His appearance changed dramatically, his aura emitting an intense light that seemed to pulse with the very essence of his energy, marking him as a being apart from others.

In this state, Naruto's senses were heightened beyond any normal comprehension, allowing him to perceive and react to threats at an almost precognitive level. His speed and strength were such that he moved faster than the eye could follow, and his strikes carried the force of monumental power.

Moreover, his spiritual energy had grown so dense and potent that it felt oppressive to those around him, even to seasoned warriors like Harribel and Grimmjow, who were no strangers to formidable powers. They could feel the shift in the air, a tangible pressure that made even the stalwart Grimmjow admit a sense of unease.

Naruto’s new powers did not go unnoticed. The Hollows and Soul Reapers sensed the change, a disturbance in the spiritual fabric of their world that heralded the rise of a new force to be reckoned with.

As Naruto stood amidst the white sands of Hueco Mundo, his figure silhouetted against the endless night sky, he felt a calmness that belied the storm of power within him.

Naruto undid his transformation. He went to Las Noches and said goodbye to Harribel and the others. Harribel asks to accompany him. Naruto accepts her request. Grimmjow also wanted to join them. To which Naruto instantly refused.

Grimmjow was a little "hurt" by the rejection. Naruto told Grimmjow, he would think about it in the future.

Naruto went to visit Orihime and Kazui one last time before he went back to his world.


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